Scroll down for monthly "NEWS"
Old News :-)
News *July 2012 - April 2018*
News *2008 - June 2012*
4 "Historical Pictures" below:
Pinned: / Famous Mike & the best updated maps in Pattaya!!!
Thai Meteological Department / Anything weather-related! Lots of info.
Jen Reviews - 100 Best Things to do in Thailand
Diana-Oasis-Street-View / Drive through town!
PATTAYA SPORTS CLUB / Up-to-date Golf Rates by
Maps Of Pattaya For Download (Courtesy "")
Best ROOFTOP-BARS, Pattaya
Follow Pool # 2 renovation below......We aim to prevent most (not all !) of the flooding
by raising and redoing entire area. Pool # 1 open and ready for you to enjoy. Plenty
sunbeds. Start June 20th. for a good 2 months....80% done to date...
by raising and redoing entire area. Pool # 1 open and ready for you to enjoy. Plenty
sunbeds. Start June 20th. for a good 2 months....80% done to date...
Slides below updated daily with progress..........
Say GOOD-BYE to the 30. year-old pool # 2! Time to catch up with the already redone pool
# 1 / 15 years ago.....
Home & Pool Team just arrived and works start today! It will be a major upgrade to
the Estate. Things just take time in a large Estate with limited budget, but we stay on top
until things are happening, so we can keep up value and acceptable nice standards for
the people who live here & visit us. Best regards to Salzburg :-) & all our other A- & friends
around the world!
May I make a remark. These are very hard working people, look at them doing some of the
most unpleasant jobs under the burning sun! Why not show them once in a while that
Falangs are not heartless superiors (well most .....:-) and drop them a large bottle of cold
Coke and/or Fanta or 2 and give them a thumps-up..... It will hardly break the bank.
M. & M. are doing with any work crews in the Estate and many of Oasis's guests have taken
on to show a little gratitude to workers "behind the scenes".
O.c. they also like fruits from the market, they are modest, they don't expect to be fed with
fresh strawberries. They love the simple stuff, they are used to.
Just a little reminder, not everybody can travel around the world for a nice vacation :-( But
we can show a little heart! THX.....
Done and much enjoyed by everybody!
POOL # 2 Project - Follow Progress With The Slide-Show Below
Quite amazing and surprising the hundreds of steps and details to make this happen. Glad we went with a company with
30 years in the business, which is very long in TH. They already did the upgrade of pool # 1
ca. 15 years ago and it still looks and works great. Nice work by **HOME & POOL!!!**
***Storage - Diana-Estate / E-Building @ reception-operator / ground floor!!!***
We did not only put in brand new nice restrooms in E-Building, but also created plenty of storage
space for everybody to rent for a nominal fee.
Ideal, dry, clean and safe space for suitcases and bags, as well as golf bags, no more need to carry the heavy golf bag to your room, just pick it up at front-desk the day of golfing!
New service for everybody @ Diana-Estate for a minimal fee, less then
you spend on a beer in a NO-GO :-) for full month and the longer, the cheaper.....
Our LG-Smart TV's do automatic updates once in a while. You can say Yes and wait the few minutes of
the automatic update. It happens in the background mostly. PLEASE INFORM US, IF A NEW LOGIN
>>> And here some FL fishing by Darsizzle.....She has lots of stuff on there...
>>> Any serious fisherman left here? Here or many others allover Thailand. Even organized trips to
some of the main spots, but is a bit tiresome.
>>> Das ist ein gute Praesentation von Bjoern @ Der Farang betreffs Krabi. Villeicht etwas beschoenigt,
aber sicherlich ist Krabi einen 3-4 Tage Trip von Pattaya wert!
>>> Welcome back in Switzerland, Stephan. Danke fuer Deine Treue! Schoenen Arbeitsbeginn!
>>> Starting 15.1.2020 ATM-Cards with Magnetic Data Stripe will NOT work
anymore. You need to go switch your card for a new one with data-chip!
>>> Watch out for bikes shooting out behind cars. Be very careful, crossing the road!
>>> Missed the Awards??? Must watch!
>>> One of best x-change rates in town with SUPERRICH / CENTRAL MALL
>>> Bye..bye Glen....Thank you!
>>> Welcome to our Dutch Friends !!! Enjoy the sun & pool............
>>> All Digital TV's with lots of Sports and Movie Channels......SKY.....Eurosports... etc.
>>> "BAG OF LIFE" >>> Excellent idea....Let's hope by 1.1.20 many shops will follow! We should set
a positive example and strictly refuse plastic, unless it is absolutely necessary. Maybe the next
generation here will support Nature!
>>> Hoi Roebi, wir hoffen, Du bist gut gereist und wir wuenschen Dir alles Gute fuer die Behandlung
in der CH. Bis bald......
Happy New Year - December 2019
>>> Thank you Dennis/USA, Heiri, Vreni Mario, Zimmis, Willy, Detlef, Helmuth & Conny & many others.......
You all are very generous with staff and your Christmas tips & drinks....Much appreciated!
>>> A Special Thanks to Joseph R. & Iain M. for stepping up, when on Christmas eve a young man
needed help in a very serious situation. Thank you guys for helping me out big times. M.
>>> Welcome to all the snow-birds....They enjoy the warm pool....
>>> No cat & pigeon feeding please. They do a lot of damage.
>>> Meow has several units for sale. Write her or see her afternoons, please.
>>> Be ready, just a few days and no more plastic bags in many shops...Check the price of any
of the replacement fabric bags carefully. We have seen ranges from 29.-- (correct) to 400.--
(less correct :-) Baht.
>>> Hi Jan - We hope you get well soon and we will see you next year. Our bets wishes!
>>> Are you still having an old TH ATM-card with magnetic strip?? Please go to your bank and
switch to the new one with the embedded chip. As of 15.1.2020 your old card will no longer
work, according to latest press-reports.
>>> Season is from mid October to end of April mostly. Book as early as possible, please. Off-season
we should always have a studio for you. Check both websites for all info, please.
>>> Thank you to EVERYBODY for the many tasty and "from the heart" things brought from home.
We apologize for not naming everybody all the time. M. situation cuts down massively on pro-
ductive time. Thank you from our hearts. We can see how much effort many guests put into
surprising us with a special little something from home.
>>> 10 WAYS TO AVOID DENGUE-FEVER Do not self-medicate, if you suspect having contracted Dengue.
There is a quick and simple blood-test to verify. NO ASPIRIN!!!
>>> Anybody knows where the GLITTERMAN is doing his rounds? He left Pattayaa couple years ago, when
traffic got too nasty for him?????
>>> As reported in a number of publications......To come next March, 2020.......AVENUE PLAZA, Pattaya!
>>> We have reliable reports that Jomtien Beach sea is as clear as not seen in years and even dolphins have
been sighted by a couple that stays with us! Definitely fewer people than other years.
Enjoy your beach-day!
>>> Our LG-Smart TV's do automatic updates once in a while. You can say Yes and wait the few minutes of
the automatic update. It happens in the background mostly. PLEASE INFORM US, IF A NEW LOGIN
>>> Thank you Chris for the box full of goodies. FANTASTIC.
>>> Today a long-time, lovely guest had just arrived from the airport in a taxi, he took at the airport. In
fact he ended up in that taxi after a car-change, just off the airport.
The moment he walked in, his face dropped and he was in panic-mode: "The taxi drove off and my money,
passport, credit-cards, documents are still in the car. No, I have no name, phone, make, or tag...." That
started looking like a very bade start of a long vacation.
Immediately we checked CCTV and got a clear view / picture of the car coming into DE. The guest was
sent off to the Soi 9 police station.....
Just 10 minutes later a large black car pulled in and a serious looking, big young guy opened the window
and handed me a bag.....Ready to drive off.... It took Meow to convince him to park quickly and come in,
so we could hand him a drink, a very good tip and take a quick photo.
Turned out to be a shy and respectful young driver from BKK, that was surprised about the fuss we made,
5555..... THANK YOU Kh. Bird! Not all taxi-drivers are bad....
Next we sent 2 girls to Soi 9, where our guest was told by the translator, that he should consider his bag
gone for good....
We had him back at Oasis in no time, a very happy and emotional guest of our's from Luxembourg, who
finally got to take a rest after a roller-coaster 40 minutes!
Not all mishaps end that well. If you take a rogue driver, always take a picture of car/tag. Official queue
taxis should hand you a voucher with their tag and name on it.
>>> Just like every year - with many elderly guests - we had another emergency i..e. heart-attack.
Worse even, it happened the night of arrival. The good news this time.... The guest was strong and
smart enough to make it to the hospital down the road. More good news, they were able to stabilize
him, make the right decision to transfer him as very serious case immediately to the public hospital
heart-center in Chonburi. His life was saved and he received a stent the same day. It was touch & go!
This time all went well, despite a long transfer. Public hospitals are much cheaper and of equal medical
quality, maybe less comfort, with 24/7 emergencies of the surrounding provinces.
But if time is of the essence and with insurance and serious trauma etc. go straight to emergency room
BPH or request transfer there with any accident.
Have proper travel & health insurance, have the card with you in your wallet, give it to the emergency
room or admin staff.
Cover yourself well or do some late-night sport, it is very cold icy 24 C , 555555555....
>>> Still cold coming days...All details THAIMETEO
>>> Lieber Kooky, wir alle werden uns wiedersehen. Du bist immer bei uns! Deine Freunde.....
>>> Excellent team-work with all "departments" helping out each-other. At least once a week a serious
scrub-down to get rid of that street-dust :-) .... Bravo!
>>> Pool # 1 open from 8 am to 8 pm! #2 open til 10 pm!
>>> Do not feed cats & pigeons. Thank you!
>>> Please no laundry & absolutely no cooking in our studios!
>>> Congratulation Kh. Rosarin # 794 ( JPM Diana-Estate) for another well-run marathon! That Gatorade
gives you the extra power, to leave them all behind.... Nice banana-outfit, all green, fitting
the world-theme! Enjoy & many more great runs !!!!! (Click to enlarge!
>>> Wanna-Laugh??? Reminds me of occasions in Pattaya..... HERE
>>> TERMINAL 21, yes well worth an afternoon-trip! Maybe early movies with your love?
>>> Watch out for pick-pockets in Baht-buses, seriously!
>>> Don't be fooled by fake promotions. Do your homework!
>>> Don't let a sunburn spoil your vacation! Use quality lotion or stay in the shade for first days!
>>> High-Speed Ferry to Hua-Hin. Still running and not a bad trip at all! All Info here! Photos here!
>>> HARDROCK HOTEL PATTAYA / Pool-Parties.........Sounds like fun! The candy-store, be it eye-candy only?
>>> The Pattaya City Hospital just down the road has developed well and can be used for smaller problems
and evaluations. There is now an official 2 or 3-tiered system for payment in place. Foreigners pay a bit
more than TH nationals, which IMO is just fair. We can't expect that a foreign government absorbs health
cost of visitors & tourists. People who come from a country with all-in public healthcare might have a
different opinion.
For serious issues, specialist treatment etc. get a taxi to BKK Pattaya Hospital. There are some very
capable Dr.s available.
And, always bring your health insurance card, valid abroad or get yourself a travel-insurance!
>>> Look at the little fellow above....was tiny just 6 days ago....parents still nearby and not shy at all
anymore :-)
>>> Fireworks starting around 20.00 each night, this year with more countries than usual!
>>> Kooky, wir alle wuenschen Dir viel Kraft & alles Gute!!!!! Willy, Michael, Meow & Oasis-Team & alle CH-er!
*** Pattaya2u @ TUKOM ***
This is the best Computer repair shop in town. They now have added a specific APPLE department. They fix anything you can think of and are fair, friendly and affordable. If any special problems as for the owner or his wife and let them know Michael & Meow from Oasis sent you!
You find them in the right hand corner from escalator on the 3rd. floor in TUKOM.
This little Beauty is breeding super-patient, day & night, only switching position by 180 every few hours. The couple explored that protected setting, wide in the open / pigeon spikes, for many days. By now she is so used to me, that I can actually touch her, albeit with a few nervous words from her side. A really dedicated mother and a pleasure to visit first thing in the morning :-)
Acvtually switching with her partner every few hours....amazing to observe...By now can touch both of them and have a little morning chat with them....
>>> Pools open from 8.00 am / Our guests are respectful of still sleeping neighbors. Not everybody is an
early-bird. Let's keep it down till about 10.00 am and give everybody a chance to wake-up. THX.
>>> Umbrellas in rest. will be back soon. They are getting a do-over :-)
>>> Everybody enjoys DE's new pool & landscaping. No worries, the palms are growing fast!
>>> Definitely worth going down to the beach those days/nights for the fireworks!
HOOTERS a good starting-point!
>>> Sorry, strictly no laundry & cooking in our studios! We speak of experience and your gf. flooding the
bathroom Isaan-style does serious damage in many cases.
We want to keep our units in best possible shape for everybody and rather forego a booking than
having a neighbor's or our unit damaged. You are responsible for your visitor! THank you.
>>> Monster-Fishing? To be clear, I talk FISH !!! here...... A great side-trip with a few friends. Amazing
landscape, amazing fishing......great time!
>>> Have fun! Here you can plan your
golfing days!
Bottom Center "Kek", Meow's son. Starting his next part of his education with BKK Airways! Did a good job with her kids, our Meow. Besides working many, many hours...
Both (actually 3) kids respectful, still helping out their mother when needed, now supporting M. in many ways......Respect,
Respect......Don't change!
David & Kh. Rosarin @ Oasis organized a little *Thank You BBQ* for the main project managers from Home & Pool. Great guys. And off course many residents and guests joined for our first Free BBQ in a while. Watch the slideshow above to see the process of creating our new pool area!
>>> Very affordable short - or long-term storage in safe, clean, dry area now available via E-Building
>>> Nice BBQ to officially open the new pool & surroundings. The heads of Home & Pool joined and stayed
until the last minute, great job, lovely people, who had to be very patient with our demands. It was quite
a job....
>>> The snowbirds start showing up..... Many of them shocked by low exchange rate and raising prices,
Oasis still best value for any studio from simple to luxury! Welcome all!
>>> Great news, if this is really gonna happen! No more free single-use plastic from 1.1.2020
>>> Still a bit rainy these days....great for our new greenery to grow strongly!
>>> Sihanoukville used to be a great side-trip. These days are gone. But there are some great islands
just off the coast. They are now more easy accssible and worth a short trip for a different feel or a
visa-run. enjoy.....
>>> Check ou the pool slideshow to see the difference.... BEFORE/AFTER
>>> FREE BBQ starts again very soon!
>>> Rainy days should be over very soon....
>>> Thank you Cowboy for the delicious Ragusa & Luzerner Rahmkaese. Excatly what is need to keep
the weight up and the Dr.s happy :-))))))
>>> Thank you Markus for all the goodies!
>>> All of Oasis' studios are constantly upgraded.....You will be happy with the lower priced C-Premiums
if you are on a budget, you will love the D-Premiums and you will probably never book another
studio again.
>>> High season started....Lots of arrivals daily. Just in time to have the Oasis terrace
built up to the level of the new pool # 2. We are almost done...Plants coming in next
few days. Enjoy!
>>> Roy Katong 2019 on November 11th.
>>> NO VAPING now strictly ( & very expensive!!) enforced in TH. Besides the point that it is
very bad for your health....
>>> Thank you Tim for the fantastic surprise. Beautiful!
>>> 101 EAST A huge collection of documentaries by AJ with tons of interesting subjects!!!
>>> Leveling work to match the new pool / deck at the restaurant has now begun. Sorry for the delay.
The rains interfered :-) Sorry for any inconvenience during these few days of work with the nice
Home & Pool Team!
>>> Season picking up slowly, pity that heavy rains delayed the deck-work for the restaurant. But it will
be done just in time...Sorry about that...
>>> Bring your Domestic & International DL, if you plan on renting. many check-points! DUI now
getting seriously enforced. Don't drink & drive!!~!
>>> Terrible traffic on 2nd. and Beach Rd. with half the Beach Rd. a construction site.....Good timing
just before high season.
>>> pattayacityhospital Just down the road and suitable for non-major health issues.
>>> We get older, we get ill, our steps are less secure. Tell me about, I am the perfect example...
And I don't drink and walk...5555555
Never seen so many old men in dangerous 100 Baht flip-flops, walking besides their shoes...
There are nice summer sandals that fit well and safe, why risk a fall with all the horrific walk-
ways and sidewalks and have your vacation spoiled. Just happened to a good friend whose
flip-flops came apart and ended in a fall with broken ankle.....
Try PAYLESS SHOE SOURCE in Central. Good choice of very affordable shoes. American brand.
Many of them also in XL sizes.
>>> Buy medications in proper pharmacies like BOOTS, FASCINO or the corner-one on the left, going
down Soi Bouakao from DE. Don't self-medicate unless you are not just a Google-expert.
Meow happy to call FASCINO in Naklua to check for availability of special meds.....
>>> Jomtien beach as usual this time of the year reasonably clear waters.....
>>> Excellent choice of good breads in BIG C Pattaya Klang. Real French baker !!!!
>>> Rainy hours, great for the new plants on the new pool # 2! Never seen the pool so busy, even now
in low season and even with people who would not support this project. Now Diana-Estate has 2
beautiful pools!!! Thanks for the positive feedback which is so much nicer than the usual Pattaya
whining & complaining … :-)
>>> If arriving on TV or 30-days arrival stamp, be safe, bring 20'000.-- or equiv. in foreign currency in
cash, immigration is now verifying more frequently.
>>> Just days now to enjoy our totally redone pool # 2. DE has now 2 large totally renewed pools.
Planting will follow soon....Great Team with Home and Pool, Pattaya and the people involved
every single day, often late, during the last 8 weeks.
>>> A number of airlines have banned certain MacBook Pro laptops, built between Sept. 2015 - Febr. 2017
in checked luggage and carry on luggage!!!! Make sure to check your model and check with your air-
line to avoid a bad start to your vacation! More info HERE & on Google.
>>> Feel like good, large & very good value Italian Pizza >>>> Still the best in 20 years >>> PIZZA BIG
>>> Ground floor storage owners, tenants, residents, guests, returning holidaymakers, golfers at a nominal
low fee at front-desk E-Building. See above!
>>> Please NO cat & pigeon feeding!
>>> Nothing to laugh lately.... Well, once a day I watch a couple of these in any form/language and
often laugh tears. Waterbed or a bit of Russel Peters and here one for us older guys.... George Carlin...
>>> Pool # 2 coming along as planned, very good job with a complicated project by **HOME & POOL**
>>> “It's only those who do nothing that make no mistakes, I suppose.” by J. Conrad
>>> What if 3D printing was 100x faster? | Joseph DeSimone
>>> Great choice of online music here & so far hardly any buffering...….
>>> Pattaya Drift Cup...…..Why not.....International Driver-Line-Up!!! Check Google...… 9.-11.8.2019
>>> IDBF WORLD DRAGON BOAT CHAMPIONSHIPS – 20th to 25th August 2019 / Details!!
JULY 2019
>>> Pattayamarathon / July 21st. Always interesting.....Get up VERY early.....
>>> Please NO CAT FEEDING! Let them find - hunt their own food, that is why we have them :-) :-)
>>> Great & very hot weather. Ideal for a short trip to the islands....
>>> Pool Renovation now entering the phase of a bit time-consuming smaller, but important details,
which most people won't see or realize. No worries, we are on track.
>>> Prof. ATV-TOURS / Pattaya
>>> Friday July 12th. soon 22.00 / Night-shift / *Looks like Home & Pool* Triple Team (34 workers!) will
really tile all pool walls within 1 day.
Great effort, great supervision and organizing!
Time for bed for the patient and we just be surprised looking out the window tomorrow.
Surge Tank should be poured tomorrow and deck on Monday if the weather plays along and we can do
a couple more late-runs preparing.
Experience the joy when you bring these simple, hardworking people - mostly far away from families and
doing long!!! shifts - a few XL bottles of Coke from 7/11. Just in case I forget .....:-)
>>> Fresh & fluffy DURIAN-PIZZA @ Pizza Company. Give it a try, if you like Durian !!! Very filling....
>>> Best bread around in Big C, Pattaya Klang with their own French Baker! The real stuff!!! Enjoy....
>>> Hi Doc Herbie - How is life back home? We send all our best regards. M.
>>> Days are now seriously short sometimes for an old and sick man, be patient....
>>> Local & regional taxi rides by far best deal with GRAB, not to airports, however.... Meow does
not like to organize local or near-regional rides to golf-clubs etc. as taxi companies charge massively
for 1 way rides or waiting-time. Use GRAB. Airport, Meow still one of best company and hardly any
issues. You only tip the chance to be ripped-off....
>>> Bring your International DL & certificates for health insurance....
>>> Vaping in TH still not legal! Don't try your luck in public!! This could be 1 very!!! expensive cigarette..
We will inform once new rules have passed...
>>> Great to see a project progressing well as scheduled, despite many smaller and bigger issues on
the way. Just normal with a 30 yr. old installation, which should have been taken care off way back
with pool # 1. Great job HOME & POOL. Great supervisor, on the job every day from A-Z with his team.
BTW, the same man that did the job for us 15 years ago. And he did not get or look any older. Amazing!
>>> Absolutely no candles, incense, open flames, electronic or other cigarettes/smoking in any of the Estate
rooms. Thank you.
>>> Herzliche Gruesse und die besten Wuensche von uns allen an Kookie in der CH, der harte Zeiten
>>> Herzlichen Dank Pumpui/Heinz fuer die Tasche voller Goodies. Mein Dr. wird Freude haben, wenn
die ganze Schoki gegessen habe und endlich ein paar kg. zulege....
>>> Herzlichen Dank Zimmis fuer die "Riesensuelze".....Many dinners....
>>> Very hard-working crew with Home & Pool. Many of them girls. Often 12 hour shifts and always
smiling. As I often say and do.....What is 2 big bottles of coke, a few kilos of fruit in season for
us???? For them it is serious money. You should see their faces when I bring them something.
Just giving you an idea how to start "a movement"....555555
>>> Compare Apples with Apples. Even our budget studios are equipped better and better value in
top location with gardens and 2 pools. Our Premium ones are unbeatable.....We have a nice
mix of nationalities & many guests have been coming since day 1. We keep our studios & condos
in good repair & condition and keep adding features.
>>> Allow enough time for immigration in/out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arriving, it often helps moving on to the
second immigration area with less people. Means you will have to walk back to your carousel
for the luggage on the other side. But that is doable. Just check the sign board and don't get confused!
>>> Eva Air up and going, first guests arriving with delay.
>>> Andaman Sea is not the season to visit now. Pretty rough and often dangerous.
>>> Few cooler days begin of July, not much rain yet......
JUNE 2019 - Lots of regulars and golfers!
>>> Oasis-guests are interested in doing their part for the environment. They use air-con sensibly
and turn it off, when windows are open or studio empty. They are all of good size and the studio
will be cooled down in a few minutes, once you get back. Keep the setting between 25-27 C, which
is ideal for your health and well-feeling.
>>> Some super ROOFTOP-Bars, great for a sunset and cocktails, won't break the bank. Hilton right
around the corner :-)
>>> Maps Of Pattaya For Download (Courtesy ""
>>> Pool moving well as planned.....
>>> Common snakes in TH, yes we have them once in a while in the gardens. Hardly every anything
dangerous, but the green or golden tree-snake, a beautiful, fast animal can be sighted, also do we
have the occasional visit from a couple of medium sized pythons.......Amazing...Don't let anybody
chase or even kill them if you happen to see something going on.....If they need to be removed call
>>> Somebody brought us delicious Pralines / Truffes, we missed to write down the name of
this man (woman?) with taste. Sensational...Thank you so much!
>>> Danke Franky-Boy fuer die Basler-Laeckerli, wwir teilen die mit unseren Baurabeitern.
>>> Danke Charly. Grad Deine letzte Packung Schwarzwaelder Speck geoeffnet.....Mitten in der Nacht....
>>> Access to all buildings during pool construction signed out! In doubt ask security please!
>>> 17.6. - 20.6. 2019 massive rains ahead...... Most of TH....
>>> Below a few quick, first pictures of our new E-Building public-toilets. Good size, clean, bright.
This was a community project........(unfortunately only about 25 owners out of ca. 200 and several tenants and friends). Imagine what all we could do if everybody stepped up with a small or big
contribution :-)
What's next? Tower Toilets :-------)
>>> For Sale 1 Studio in clean, new company name. Just totally redone. Price all incl. 2'095'000.--
Owner just finished total remodel, but has health issues and needs to get a unit on a lower floor.
Very quiet and private location in best building, garden-side. Real kitchen corner, washer etc. etc.
2 Doubles Tower in Thai or TH company name @ ca. 3.0 & 4.2 Mio
Drop us a line....
>>> Main pool project kicking off next week! Soon we have 2 beautiful new pools & surroundings in DE.
>>> Wanna see & do something special while in BKK. Check out the Siriraj Medical Museum which
showcases several departments within. Get a first impression here.
>>> Pattaya Life Care Lab! Super value packages for health-diagnostic tests. Incredible prices! Get results
same day by Email. No need to return.
>>> Yes, you can extend your 30 days on arrival & your 2 months TV for another 30 days / 1'900.--
w/o issues at friendly Pattaya immigration. If you are coming frequently and longer periods,
you might consider a 1 yr. retirement extension & Multiple Entry Stamp.
>>> Follow traffic rules. Checks and Fines are going up and at the end it is for your own safety....
>>> Wonderful weather.....Pattaya with it's micro-climate often perfect, even during monsoon season!
>>> Thank you Rest. Zimmi fuer die super Suelze......So dankbar.....Hilft mir etwas das Gewicht zu halten
und etwas vom wenigen was noch echt schmeckt! Sehr lieb.
>>> News-Updates depend on action, it is really quiet and not much to report and on M.
health situation. The chemo & C often knocks him out randomly and for days....
>>> Thank you Rest. Zimmi fuer die super Suelze......So dankbar.....Hilft mir etwas das Gewicht zu halten
und etwas vom wenigen was noch echt schmeckt! Sehr lieb.
>>> News-Updates depend on action, it is really quiet and not much to report and on M.
health situation. The chemo & C often knocks him out randomly and for days....
<< May 2019 & Start of Low-Season & Fun >>
SLIDESHOWS: E-Building Toilets
>>> Thank you Rest. Zimmi fuer die super Suelze......So dankbar.....Hilft mir etwas das Gewicht zu halten
und etwas vom wenigen was noch echt schmeckt! Sehr lieb.
>>> High-Season bookings....Please be early...You can always cancel w/o cost.
>>> Any medical problems, which we encounter every year. Do not self-medicate. Small problems go
to MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. Anything serious directly to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital!
>>> For the "Young-at Heart", easy to get too and worth a stroll, when in BKK.......ARTBOX
>>> By Tim Newton / Thethaiger Had to link to this, well written and certainly has some points!
TOP 7 Expat Myths
>>> Do not ever touch drugs or get involved in any way. Pubs and clubs get raided and patrons
tested regularly. The same goes for DUI! Just not worth the risk, hassle & cost!
>>> Pattaya is extremely quiet, never seen like this in 20 years. Oasis has lots of long-term regulars who
specifically come to visit off-season when bars are more quiet, golf cheaper and less crowded and overall
traffic less of a rush and mess.
>>> Aussie-Bob is back and as always upgrading his studios 912/913. We will publish updated photos
of these 2 large top-floor / front-view studios asap. Party-time! We like owners who keep improving
their property. Keeps guests happy, too!
>>> Please don't feed the cats! They are a real nuisance! Let them catch mice & rats....
>>> The flood last night shows the urgency of the pool project. Climate change seems to be very real....
>>> Thank you Glen for the chocolate....O.c. we shared it all.
>>> Thank you Tom & Graham for the lovely loaf of bread......How die you know I prefer bread over steak?
And came the right time, in 1 hour I am allowed to eat and will have lots of bread with butter and jelly
and coffee. Very kind of you. Just amazing how many nice and warm people we have around us!!
>>> Public toilets E-Building nearing end. Also large storage for suitcases & golf-bags. Affordable fees
clean, safe & gr. floor storage! Really a pity that only about 20+ owners stepped up to contribute,
several tenants & guests did.... The "Minus" of this project will be covered by M. & M. Full accounting
to be published after completion.
>>> Yes, the Estate is redoing the pool # 2 & surrounding area. Big project, re-planting will be part of it.
Don't get upset, we have to take some of the way overgrown & dangerous trees down. Several have
already toppled over and no insurance will pay any damages, if we don't keep them at reasonable and
safe heights. Flooding soaks the grounds and these massive, leaning trees rip-out roots like nothing!
>>> Schoen, Dich live zu sprechen heute Heiri. Wuensche Dir & allen Freunden alles Gute! Life goes on,
mach Dir keine Gedanken. Wir sehen uns entweder hier oder sonst etwas spaeter anderswo :-)
Ganz liebe Gruesse! Meow & Kids schaeun super zu mir! M.
>>> Hier was fuer unsre CH (Buendner) / D & A : Junger Buendner Top-Chef in BKK. Schaut Euch
den Film an...Interessant...... Stefan Trepp / BKK
>>> The first few monsoon storms have hit Pattaya and pool # 1 now is closed for total remodel.
Plenty of chairs, sun and a mostly empty pool in front of the tower :-)
>>> D-Premiums being equipped with 4 K LG Smart TV's step.....
>>> Thank you Zimmis - Eure wunderbare CH Sulz ist etwas, das ich noch geniesse und das runtergeht und
"untenbleibt"......Sorry, dass ich meist ab 14.00-16.00 flachliege und ich nicht mehr viel rum bin abends.
Auch Reden wird immer muehsamer. Zeit ist knapp und ich hab noch viel zu planen und erledigen. Das als
kleine Info fuer unsre CH-er....:-)
>>> Die CH-er Zimmi- Suelze war wunderbar, zum ersten Mal in Wo wieder richtig gegessen.....Danke!!!!
>>> Low-season, Oasis & Meow still reasonable busy, as always. Write us for any visit you plan!
>>> Herzlichen Dank an Zimmis, Mario, Peter und alle andern, zum Tl. nicht mal Besitzer, die sich
fuer die neuen Public Toilets im E-Building eingesetzt haben.
>>> Storm-Warning for 26./27. of April..........Let's hope Pattaya gets spared....
>>> A leaking air-con - Very common during the hot months, when the drain pipes build up dust more
quickly. It happens to every air-con in any condo, it is not predictable and it is a minor problem usually.
We service all units 2 x a year completely, still once in a while dust or a technical problem catch up,
sorry. We have quick and reliable Woody & his team to usually show the same day, or at least the next
morning. My God, some of the expert opinions & monologues by the know-it-all experts we have to
listen to. TIT, we are fully aware nothing ever goes wrong in Switzerland etc. 5555555555555555
Stay reasonable, after 22 years we have a bit of experience to deal with the daily TH problems.
>>> The News page is not as busy as usual. Low season & a very ill "webmaster". Sid-effects are hitting
brutally hard and everybody who knows me, realizes how bad it must be, when I don't get out of
my dark room/bed for days at a time. Horrific experience and hard to just see it as another challenge
in life. I am not contagious - 55555 - But the rash looks scary, thank got not itchy yet....
>>> A bit of noise in E-Building next couple of days, totally demolishing the old toilet installation.
Not too late to sign up your little contribution, we are still short some :-)
>>> And here one not only for Swiss or German Speakers...... Wenn Lachen gesund ist, muss ich heute
das Monster in mir besiegt haben.....Schon lange keine Traenen mehr gelacht. Dieser Marco Lima ist
echt gut!
"Marco buying a dress for his wife" "Marco 1st. visit to a Sushi Rest. in Germany"
Interesting how friendly and polite most people stay. Google for more...The guy is hilarious!
>>> Welcome to all our regulars who are starting to show, off-season, guests & friends who avoid high-
season and enjoy the quiet months with much more attention by the ladies & XX :-)
>>> HEADS-UP.........2019 INTERNATIONAL FIREWORKS.....Wanna splurge with a few friends? Check out
the Hilton Specials....
>>> SONGKRAN is over....Most of us don't mind :-) Every year it is slower and slower and
during the week mostly limited to bar areas and their staff and classy clientele :-)
>>> Low-season coming...Time for maintenance & upgrades.....Also time for many guests
that like it a bit more quiet. Many golfers......Soon to come a storage area against affordable
fee for golfers to leave their bags & equipment on the ground-floor during their stay or
for extended periods....
>>> Good moment to escape to Huahin by ferry :-) many of our guests & friends do that trip
for a few days and a change of scenery....
>>> This must be the most quiet SONGKRAN ever in Pattaya. Just the usual hot-spots / bars
with the girls screaming and blowing the loudspeakers. We got totally dry on the bike all
through town. 18th. & 19th. will be a bit more crazy we suspect :-) Not high-powered guns
or powder allowed, the police closed down water action around 20.00 the other day. Officially
it is over by 18.00.......Most of love it that way.....
>>> Soon to public toilets in E-Building of DE and finally the long-awaited remodel and
repair of pool # 2.
Pool @# 1 was done 14 years ago and still looks and functions great. About time
pool # 2 gets the same treatment and we will try to improve flooding situation of that entire area,
which is a very difficult task as drain- and sewer systems of city are all interconnected and once
Pattaya floods, there is no stopping it. Only the usual-bar talk simplifies this this......But it is just
talk of the many experts Pattaya provides on every subject......555555555
>>> Excellent seafood-buffet and 7 day-themes at the Pattaya Hilton.
>>> Pattaya Songkran in full swing.....More quiet than usual, no rains yet, but to start soon for sure.
Here you can see some of the action on Soi 6, 7, 8 and I leave it up to you to judge the fun- or not so
fun-part. To each his own!
>>> Pattayasanook - Songkran
>>> SWIFT KEYBOARD - Ideal Smart Keyboard for Android...Try it out....
>>> Songkran starting soon....The last few years the water-war has slowed down and usually stops in
most areas after 19.00
>>> June / July / August / September bookings with Oasis service get 3 free meals of choice for every
week booked, plus off course the daily breakfast!
>>> Mark, get well soon!
>>> Always travel with proper international health & accident Insurance, always!!!
>>> Danke Charlie fuer den feinen Schwarzwaelder Speck! Wow. And thank you so much for
all the fine Cookies, Pralines, Chocolates we have received the last few weeks. We share with
others and especially the nurses deserve some of them soemtimes :-)
>>> Pool # 1 had been totally redone about 14 years ago. It is still beautiful and in great shape,
Finally pool # 2 will follow this summer. Interesting project, as we will try to at least partially
prevent flooding of pool and surrounding areas. It will be a major improvement for the Estate.
This is a very difficult project with many unknowns, such as numerous undocumeted sewer connections
to Soi Bouakao, where flooding into this lowest point of the Estate starts...Only in a second phase
water comes in via the gates, obviously if all of Pattaya is flooded, we can't expect not to be, unless
we can raise the entire Estate by a meter...Some people really see facts a bit simplified. Home & Pool
is the best company in town and has already done a full survey.
3o years ago, Pattaya was not very concerned about flooding, which has only become really bad the
last 12 years....Part of living in the tropics.
>>> The Estate AGM has passed and the good news is, we will get brand-new & nice Public toilets in
E-Building soon. We will also have a storage area (against reasonable fee, determined by Estate)
to safely & cleanly store your golf-bags & suit-cases w/o climbing stairs or dragging your gold bag to
your condo, studio after every game. This service will be open to everybody, owners, tenants & guests.
>>> Pattaya Songkran starting soon. If you plan to travel to the airport on 18. & especially 19. April, plan
well ahead. Streets will be deadlocked, often until midnight. many companies will not even drive!
Discuss with Meow, to make sure, you don't miss your plane!
MARCH 2019
>>> Local taxi - not to airport!!!.......... Use GRAB! Best and most reliable deal. Diana-Oasis is in their
system, prices are fair and you wait just minutes. Always good to book and wait at the gate and
wave the driver down. You will see their approach on your app and have a car-model & tag number!
>>> Best island trip for a few days - even so a bit of a drive - Koh Chang / White Beach. Share the cab
fee and you will be swimming by noon! Good info here.
>>> We ask our guests to respect our property, this goes for common areas and studios & condos.
Absolutely no cat or pigeon feeding, please!
>>> 150 Digital channels on all our TV's - Have not stayed in any hotel with such a choice of E and
other language channels, movies, sports etc.
>>> National Geographic starts producing documentary on TH-CAVE-RESCUE
>>> Early announcement:
>>> June to September / 3 free full meals of choice a week for every 'Oasis with service booking'! Very well
liked and very pleasant in our pool restaurant off-season.....
>>> A piece of advise for elderly travelers. Keep your IT-stuff simple. 8 out of 10 have problems handling
tablets, smart phones, Smart TV's etc.
Once they start newest technologies to stream to TV's and hook up Android-boxes & all kinds of gadgets,
they usually are lost. Still the best way to go, is a simple HDMI connection to our TV's from your laptop,
which you have loaded and prepared at home & you are familiar with. You can even get your own
NETFLIX for a month free on your laptop, so you don't miss a beat of your favorite Series or movies.
We are happy to help, but we just don't have the time to train you daily again how to work that Smart
TV, connect your gadget etc. etc. Keep it simple & you will enjoy it much more.
Check our rooms & condos for Netflix included....But.....all condos have already 150 Digital channels
and plenty of sports & movies.....Na, we are not in the EU and providers here don't stream German TV
other than DW-D/E, sorry.....:-) You know that you can find almost every single TV station/site also on
YouTube and get your daily own language TV via Youtube, always good quality and up-to date.
i.e. ZDF GLOBO/Brazil
Or......Fill your memory-stick with your movie collection, plug directly into TV and enjoy!
On Netflix, search for i.e. GERMAN MOVIES & TV-SHOWS & you will see 1000's of options with
German language/subtitles....
>>> SONGKRAN 2019..... Try not to travel in/out of Pattaya on the 18. & surely 19.4.2019 or allow
lots of extra time, not to miss your plane :-)
>>> Watch this National Geo Documentary - Singapore Insights - Any other cities planned 4 decades into
the future? And a green city full of friendly, helpful, educated people.
>>> Best Pizza in town......PIZZA BIG - Naklua!
>>> GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL OUTLOOK Tons of real interesting info & goals...
Weather Warning
Summer Storm in upper Thailand
No. 4 Time Issued March 13, 2019
The high-pressure system from China will extend to upper Thailand and meet hot spells over the area. From 14-18 March, outbreaks of summer storms will be likely in the upper country. Thundershowers, gusty winds and hail are possible to appear first in the Northeast and the East then the North, the Central including Bangkok and its vicinity, and the East regions. Affected provinces are as following:
14-15 March
Northeast Bueng Kan, Sakon Nakhon, Nakhon Phanom, Mukdahan, Amnat Charoen, Ubon Ratchathani, Si Sa Ket, Surin, Buriram and Nakhon Ratchasima
East Nakhon Nayok, Prachin Buri, Sa Kaeo, Rayong, Chanthaburi and Trat
15-16 March
>>> This Sa 9.3.2019 our popular *Italian Spare-Ribs* .....Delicious with mashed or fries!
>>> Absolutely great and happy guests this year. One big family! Many of them since day 1 .....
>>> Talk to us about yearly rentals and keep your studio and belongings here while you are back home...
>>> Found some great deals & good service with them !!!
>>> ww. guide to the best rooftop bars..... Start in BKK & Pattaya!
*** Thank you OLA from Sweden for the great pictures on Koh Kud ***
*** Many more good years dear Miss Margie. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ***
>>> AIS - SIM / Prepaid.....These deals you will have to ask for! They don'y usually tell you or show you.
You can also book them online directly under Mao/Mao On Top Internet via
Meow's son can help you. He knows all thew codes, or you call their call center 1175 with friendly E service.
1200.-- 1Mbps 12 months one time (Mao Mao)
1400.-- 4Mbps 6 months one time(Mao Mao)
1800.-- 6Mbps 6 months one time
2500.-- 4Mbps 12 months
3500.-- 6Mbps 12 months
4 Mbps is more than fast enough for reliable HD streaming. 24/7 any location in TH and NO data limit =
Unlimited = ~ 200.-- / mth. Super-Deal!
>>> Golfing in Pattaya cheaper and less crowded off season - Book your trip :-)
>>> Visa-Trips VIENTIANNE now require online pre-registration. Read this and allow an extra day, just in
>>> At this time you can still extend you 30 days on arrival visa for another 30 days, as well as your 60 days
Tourist Visa. Careful....A 3 months Non-Immigrant will usually only give you a 7 day extension with
supporting documents, such as flight ticket etc.
>>> Excellent and great value Pizza @ PIZZA BIG / NAKLUA
>>> Don't miss the Classic Car Show 2019.............
>>> 27.2.2019 URGENT FLIGHT NOTICE - Check all your flights in/out due to Pakistan/India situation.
Many guests and friends affected!!!!!
>>> Jacky-Boy growing up sooooo fast....Sharp little guy, very strong-headed
Another great February BBQ......
>>> I thought I knew it all....55555....But, I did not pay attention to the KAAN SHOW in Pattaya.
A guest and friend (Klaus) just informed me about this Vegas-style stage show near Thepprasit Rd.
Seen the building a few times, but thought it was just another Chinese gimmick.
Not quite so...... According to forums and travelmags this is a high-tech spectacle on international level.
Tickets can be had online, at the venue or at CENTRAL MALL, basement booth.
Have a visitor and wanna have a great night / surprise or spend a night away from the bars.....
Check this out.......................Thank you Klaus......
TA Trailer
>>> FREE BBQ Friday February 22nd......Welcome....
>>> DUOLINGO The fun way to learn languages...Give it a try......
>>> ONLY 299.-- Baht for the 1 yr. *TH MUSEUM PASS*. Much more than dozens of museums allover TH,
also zoos, attractions etc. Just 1 entrance fee in certain places pays for the 1 year pass!!! Check it
>>> SPOTIFY now free and compatible with all your devices and operating systems!!!~
>>> AQI-Pattaya >>> Thanks to winds from sea, usually or should I say mostly, Pattaya avoids really bad
pollution as we can see/hear in BKK or up North.
>>> Don't turn your air-con below 25 C, it will only freeze up and make you sick. 25 -27 C is ideal
in tropics. Your setting is the temperature it will hold, it is not the temp. of the air blowing....
>>> Very mixed crowd stays at Oasis - Lots of couples & Individual Travelers from Europe and the Americas.
>>> Great Rock-Blues-Soul-Fusion by Gary Clark.......Turn this one up.......Bright Lights as seen on TV-Series
Luke Cage, which presents a very interesting soundtrack all along....Can be watched and heard in our
NETFLIX equipped studios :-)
>>> Please contact us by Email for your bookings. Meow is happy to offer you serviced & un-serviced options.
>>> Drone Flight BKK/Samui/Phangan/ Tao/2019
>>> Our Favorite Buffets Tue/Fri/Sa @ The Edge / Pattaya Hilton
>>> Pattaya-Bike-Week next weekend!
>>> Oasis offers from simple to luxury, but always good value.
>>> Buchen Sie fruehzeitig , damit Sie keine Enttaeuschung erleben. Schreiben Sie uns auch kurzfristig,
haeufig koennen wir eine Loesung fuer kurzfristge Buchungen finden.
>>> Thank you for not feeding CATS & PIGEONS :-)
>>> Taschen voller Malstifte, Spielsachen etc. von Victoria & Martin aus Vienna. Jedes Jahr bereiten diese
2 lieben und sozial eingestellten Menschen viel Freude bei armen Kindern. Dank auch der Firma STRABAG
aus Wien, die immer mit vielen Gaben beitraegt. L.G. an alle.
>>> ***TERMINAL 21 turns pink for Valentine's Day***
>>> Thank you to everybody and the many gifts you bring us from abroad....Please don't spend too
much. Very kind of everybody.
>>> Thank you for the many, many toys and things for the kids to Vic & Martin from Vienna.....Pictures soon...
>>> Thai Cooking Class with *HAPPY CHEF COOKING SCHOOL PATTAYA*. Learn the fun way. Do only
1 course or all the way to 5. Highly rated and very affordable. Surprise your friends back home
with the perfect Thai dish !!!! Write them or ask Meow to call for you.....Pinned....
>>> Finally.....Air-quality improving .... Reliable info on AIRVISUAL
>>> Kindly re-confirm your longer term bookings briefly about 1 month before arrival, so
we know you are still on track.
>>> Our garden-restaurant is very busy during season, good fresh food and great variety. Please
be patient during rush hour...Thank you....
>>> Kindly re-confirm your longer term bookings briefly about 1 month before arrival, so
we know you are still on track.
>>> Our garden-restaurant is very busy during season, good fresh food and great variety. Please
be patient during rush hour...Thank you....
>>> Chinese New Year bringing a load of travelers for the next few days....
>>> Retirement extensions for 1 year - New regulations - All Details explained here
>>> NO SMOKING inside TH airports at all - Only outside buildings in designated zones min. 5 meters
from any buildings / entrances.
>>> COBRA GOLD in town :-) Some young faces ............Happy R & R
Welcome ** 2019 ** JANUARY
>>> SWIFT - KEYBOARD for your Android, IMO still the best, followed by G -Board. Try them out and see
how much easier typing gets, these are intelligent ones and it takes a while for predictions. All languages
supported. Make a little effort to find out all the features.
>>> For the divers among us.....Yes, there is 1 good location to go for a few dives within easy reach
of Pattaya. Here the rundown ......Google for more info and good operators.....2 friends just confirmed
their dives were as good as any site down South.
>>> Always travel with adequate health insurance ! Always !
>>> Any dental work? Ask Meow to get you an appointment with our trusted dentist of many years,
Dr. Chanya. Painless, friendly and very, very fair.
>>> Have a safe trip home to the US, dear Tom. Always nice having a real gentleman like you with us.
>>> June - Sept. all Oasis-Bookings with service 3 Free Meals of your choice per full week, as always :-)
>>> Coming soon.....14th-16th FEB – Burapa Bike Week 2019 at Pattaya
Absolutely NO CAT FEEDING! Thank you for your cooperation.
อย่าเลี้ยงแมว ขอบคุณ.
อย่าเลี้ยงแมว ขอบคุณ.
>>> Don't underestimate currents in the sea. You might not be strong enough to fight and overcome them.
As we get older, we more likely to make mistakes and every season there are sad drownings allover
TH, lately 2 Swiss..... Learn about rip-currents!
>>> A packed & happy BBQ, as expected in high-season. Thank you for the pictures Tim!
>>> Every Wednesday **Spaghetti-Day**....
>>> On request again: SEATGURU & SKYSCANNER
>>> Elderly, smokers, people with lung problems, impaired immune-system etc. etc should
consult their Dr. about "Pneumococcal Vaccination". This protects against many strains of the bacterium
that causes lung-infections and more. Keep your air-con on 25 - 27 C to avoid falling ill unneeded!
>>> This Friday - 25.1.2029 - FREE BBQ for all guests & friends :-) Enjoy and come early....
>>> Read below - just out on their FB-Page, if you plan a visa-run to Laos / Vientiane. Still possible, but
plan according this announcement.
>>> DE as one of the last large green areas has quite a diversity of wild-life. The green tree-snake (rather
harmless, also poisonous but with tiny mouth and very fast) is often seen in
trees, they actually "fly" from tree to tree and sometimes miss and fall on the ground. We have had a
couple of small pythons.
We have lovely squirrels & a variety of birds. We need some cats to keep mice and rats at bay.
But please, don't feed any of the above. Thank you.
>>> Rooftop-Bar in walking-distance. SERENOTEL, Bottom of Soi 10 / From Soi Honey Inn towards
This is a really nice place for a late afternoon or early evening drink at the roof top bar.
View is great as it is right opposite the beach on the main road. Very peaceful.
Coffee is really great too. Very comfortable chairs. And then move on to some fun down the road
at HOOTERS, not fort Cheap-Charlies :-), but you get what you pay for in great location!
>>> Pool # 1 open until 20.00 / Pool # 2 open for late-swimmers until 22.00
>>> Please absolutely no feeding of cats or pigeons !!!! Thank you!
>>> AMIGO - Sehr gute Wechselraten & Viel mehr! Freundlicher und kompetenter Service in D / E
>>> FREE BBQ for all our friends next Friday 25.1.2019 Gonna be busy :-)
>>> Really great day-trip & best beach & snorkeling by far in the Pattaya area. SAMAE SAN.
This is a Navy controlled and run protected island. You can hire a boat at the Pier for 3'500.--
and a 3-4 hour total trip. 1 - 6 people. Google it, well worth it !!!
Organized trips here........
Starting @ 1'500 incl. full transportation, lunch, snorkel gear, guide ++.....Get out of town for a day!
>>> 5 KRABI Beaches by Drone - Stunning landscape, always worth a trip. Combine with some
monster-fishing down South.........WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>> COOL MATERIAL - Watch a collection of great documentaries....
>>> Coming in February.....Always worth a visit: Burapabikeweek
>>> "My Friend Travel" - Praktisch gegenueber vom Soi Honey Inn am Soi Bouakao. Netter
Falang......Hilft bei allen Belangen iund Problemen. Gruesse vom Oasis :-)
>>> Bringing your drone (UAV-Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, nothing you might have thought....:-) ????
This timely report in the THAIGER gets you all the details and even links to forms for registration.
>>> RICHARD BARROW - Many of the good old-time-bloggers & columnists have left, Richard still brings
up interesting and diversified write-ups about TH.
We still remember Bernhard Trink, has it been 15 years??? Incredible....
>>> Every year we have a number of residents in D.E. suffering serious colds, bronchitis and
lung infections and other health problems.
Keep your air-con set on 25-27 C, auto and not at fridge-temperature. If you
get ill do not self-medicate. Several types of infections are antibiotic resistant, as they are
still being sold and eaten as if it were candy. Go see a Dr., only he knows what meds will
work for a specific infection or problem. There is the public "Pattaya-City-Hospital nearby and
we have reasonable good feedback, an affordable, new public hospital.
If you are insured and/or ready to pay for preferred private treatment go to Memorial or
Pattaya-Inter, in more serious cases directly to BKK Pattaya Hospital.
BPH has 24/7 specialists present or on call, even complex trauma or surgery can be handled.
Inform Meow, she is always ready to help, as you probably will need your passport and
some other items brought to you. She just handled a serious emergency all by herself. She
learned a lot during her 12 years of "torture" :-) by the Swiss.
All private hospitals now have translators and full international insurance services. Don't forget
to have travel or international health coverage. Even a small surgery and a few days in ICU
will cost you quickly some 100-thousands, which is by now the international norm for good
private care.
>>> USBS - Unispital Basel - Ein grosses Dankeschoen an alle Aerzte und das ganze grosse Team!
Einmalige medizinische Versorgung und Betreuung von A-Z. Herzliche und gute Menschen, denen
das Wohlergehen des Patieneten echt am Herzen liegt. Sehr !!! beeindruckend & herzerwaermend.
Die CH-er duerfen sich gluecklich schaetzen..........
>>> MOMONDO - Great Travel & Flight Search!
>>> Excellent online / Android Language App. DUOLINGO
>>> Still best pizza in town.......PIZZA BIG, NAKLUA.....Consistently good, XL & affordable!
>>> Thank you Heiri for the fotos! Click on them to enlarge......
>>> Movies @ CENTRAL & TERMINAL 21
>>> Warning - High Season is the time for packed Baht-buses & pick-pockets make their rounds on
popular tourist routes. Often working in groups, often with LB involved. Watch out for your
wallet and cash, don't be distracted.
>>> April - October please contact us anytime for your stay with us. Usually we have your
desired type of studio available for these months. November - March is top-season and you should
book early.
>>> A link to Sir Albert, the Swiss Pianist and his hot melodies....A regular @ Oasis
>>> Normal taxi-time from Oasis to airport is about 90 minutes. Allow extra on weekends and holidays.
Rather be early and enjoy a drink, than missing your plane or just arriving last minute.
>>> Hope you all had a great start into the 2019. Now enjoy your vacations in Pattaya and take
advantage of the many entertainment options this City offers.
>>> 900 Mio. views......Wow.....For our Brazilian Fans a bit of Brazilian Folk, must have been there to under-
stand & feel....Great memories!!!!!! MELHORES MÚSICAS SERTANEJAS DE 2016-2017
>>> Below Kh. Rosarin, our Estate Manager & her Team at the New Year's Party. All our staff are team-
players, reliable and help each-other when need.
All of them been with us for a long-time. We wish Kh. Rosarin and all our staff a **HAPPY NEW YEAR**,
lots of good health and luck. All of us appreciate the steady good work and improvements on many
levels to keep Diana-Estate the best and most popular Estate in town.
BTW, the gardens have turned out beautiful!!!! Thank you all from all of us & keep smiling!
players, reliable and help each-other when need.
All of them been with us for a long-time. We wish Kh. Rosarin and all our staff a **HAPPY NEW YEAR**,
lots of good health and luck. All of us appreciate the steady good work and improvements on many
levels to keep Diana-Estate the best and most popular Estate in town.
BTW, the gardens have turned out beautiful!!!! Thank you all from all of us & keep smiling!
>>> Computer repairs.......PATTAYA2YOU......3rd. floor left corner shop TUKOM. Good Team, cheap and pay
only if fixed!
>>> This girl, Baitoey (LINE-ID: baitoeysamsung ) in the large Samsung Shop 1 fl. up TUKOM on the right
of the elevator will give you best service, Sim-cards, transfers, new phone installations.
She can get & sell you any phone, preferably Samsung. Her shop is one of the oldest and best in town &
licensed dealer. Very helpful and friendly team. She speaks perfect E & is very experienced.
>>> Beware of fake electronics, buy only with licensed dealers. You can not determine what is genuine.
>>> Great VILLA MARKET basement Central with Premium Products !
>>> All studios & condos NO-SMOKING - Thank you - Balconies OK & dedicated smoking zones at the
2 pools.......Pool # 2 open til 22.00 for late swimmers....
>>> Proper use of air-con < COOL/AUTO-FAN & 26 - 28 C > When out of room OFF or on 29 or 30 C
Environmentally conscious & you don't get sick like so many every year. Your body does best
at 27 -28 C, this also keeps humidity ideal. Lower fan speed will keep air a bit more dry and
make it feel cooler w/o you getting sick.
>>> Diana-Oasis - Meeting Point for nice people from many, many countries!
>>> Going to Koh Larn....Charter your own speedboat - Share up to 10 people, you can always find some
extra people at the beach willing to share in the mornings. 2'500.-- round-trip.
>>> GOLFHUBPATTAYA - - Just steps from Diana-Oasis - Improve & Enjoy!
Thank you FL-Tom for the details.....
>>> A brief video, sent to us by a guest.....New-Years BBQ @ Oasis
December 2018
28.12. FREE BBQ
>>> Fantastic Translator for Android. Speak simple, clear sentences and you will get great results. Don't
forget to keep it very basic, if yu use TH translation. Other languages are more complex and what I tested
almost perfect. Spoken & Written / Both Ways.
>>> NOPE.....Not Miami Beach.....The all new Pattaya City Beach....Quite a job actually.....Hope it lasts....
and in time water quality might improve, too....Good start :-) Fotos by: "Swiss Cowboy"
>>> SF-Strike Bowling Central Mall - Minutes to walk from Diana-Oasis.
>>> Thank you very much Mike Baird - Pattaya Cartoon Star - Always on time for the newest updates. These
maps are also linked above @ Pinned........You might get lucky and see Mike @ Oasis once in a while, he
is always welcome for our Friday BBQ.....
>>> You can fly to many parts of TH from UTAPAO airport. Several low-cost carriers ideal for a side-trip.
And just about 1 hr. away...... DOMESTIC & INTERNATIONAL
>>> Below a little slide-show with Diana-Estate residents just before Christmas.... How nice to be away from
noise and hustle of the roads in a tropical garden....We wish the Diana-Estate Team, run by Kh. Rosarin,
our Estate manager a very Happy New Year and we will all continue to keep the Estate nice, well cared
for for all of us :-) DE is one of the oldest big condos in Pattaya and we are still the most popular. Best
location, reliable services, all systems updated and good outlook and plan for the future.
>>> Roebi, wir wuenschen Dir und Kookie alles gute mit Eurer Behandlung......& Lot alles Gute und hoffen,
dass sie nach Ihrer Pause wieder zurueck zu uns allen kommt. Ein absolut liebes, gutes und zuverlaessiges
Girl! All the Best to her :-)
>>> Best wishes to Tom & Titta ***Happy New Year***
>>> This is THE BEST YouTube down-loader & converter , period! Most of the down-loaders are
malfunctioning, slow, loaded with adds or limitations..... I give this one a ***** rating!!!!
>>> A time to reflect...Watch this full documentary on VENEZUELA, then you will see what "hard-times"
means....Situations not known or even imaginable for most of us. We moan and complain on rather
high levels.....:-) I went through hyper-inflation in Brasil way back.....A loaf of bread had to be paid
with a bag full of "worthless" cash. Min. salary in Venezuela 20 $ !!!!!! Guess we are on the bright side
of life, with all the little or bigger challenges we experience.
>>> Danke Daniel & vielen mehr fuer die Super Swiss Pralines, Speck vom Manfred etc.
>>> Absolutely no toilet Cleaner or Detergents with Bleach / Haiter (Hydro-chloride) allowed in any rooms!
Our staff has orders to remove. These are dangerous to your health and destroy clothes, towels, stainless
fixture, pipes and much more.
Avoid buying the cheap, tall, bright colored (purple, black are the most dangerous ones,
if not handled carefully) cleaners, some of them even have high % of acids and hydro-chloride mixed.
If you mix Bleach with soap (shower) a dangerous gas develops.
Your g.f. & b.f. do not have the basic understanding of this. Anyway.....Laundry is so cheap and good, why
even consider doing laundry in a hotel room?????? Other than your bathing suit or socks, maybe.
If you need cleaning stuff, just use simple dish washing detergent or windows spray or liquid laundry
The smaller yellow bottles with wider caps, orange and green are a bleach alternative / Peroxide, work
perfect and are not dangerous to your health. No gas, no damage to skin or clothes.
>>> For all of you, who fly Business or First. Just gave this company below a try with 2 bookings.
Outstanding service. Fast & dedicated. Joe listened to special requests and offered several options.
Great savings!!!!
They give you full information how they can offer such discounts and please read all details to make sure
these deals suit you. Flights are accessible via airline-website after booking. All straightforward. Make
sure you list all special requests, luggage requirements etc.
I wanted to share this quickly, I will publish and pin more details soon.....
Joe's direct email: [email protected]
Spread the word, if you are happy. Good customer service needs to be appreciated :-)
>>> Dry & somewhat cooler days & nights...Snowbirds love it. THAIMETEO
>>> We recommend AIS SIM for calls & internet here in TH. AIS-SIM App will allow you to easily
keep track of usage data and funds of your SIM. AIS has very affordable options and packages
for any needs. BTW 4mb/s is plenty "speed" for HD Youtube etc. etc. It is stabil and reliable.
>>> Fantastic HD Camera App. for your Android.....Try and compare......BEST CAM 2019
>>> More and more ROOFTOP-BARS....Here an updated list with good info for BKK..
>>> BKK always worth a side-trip, if you do your homework, plan to incl. some of the remaining
high-points and are not opposed to walk, that is how you find these special sights, places,'
bars, restaurants etc. etc. Soi 11 & surroundings are a good starting point. Tons of nice bars,
hidden jewels as APOTEKA, The Bar Upstairs and many, many more. Prices are similar to
Pattaya, maybe slightly higher, as long as you don't compare Bouakao area with any BKK
area. Apples with apples, please.
In BKK you are best served with GRAB CAR / Android App.
Then you don't have to deal with regular rip-off taxis. GRAB CAR within BKK is very affordable,
however too expensive for inter-city trips.
>>> MAHANAKON SKYWALK - Yes, definitely worth visiting while in BKK. Finally some more interesting
skyscraper and high-rise designs. Impressive!
>>> Now let's hope that the beach does not get eroded again and they care enough to clean up the sea
and move all the speedboats. Wow, I am dreaming again....Must be the meds....But it is a good start!
But so far, despite lots of negative reporting in the press, the beach itself looks great and is once again a
meeting point for the ever changing face of tourism.
These days mostly Asian travellers showing up when the sun starts setting.
City is now working on the last section from Soi 12 to Walking Street and promised to fix the North end,
that got battered by run-off rain & flood last few months.
>>> COBRA GYPSIES....another authentic, interesting & colorful documentary by "Raphael Treza"
Not a minute without another interesting fact, picture, sound, music etc.
Check the other movies on his site. Thank God for creative people like Raphael, a musician
and filmmaker. GREAT STUFF!!!! BRAVO!!!!! People like you make a difference
>>> Bored in town....Wanna have some fun with the girls....Take them to RAMAYANA WATER PARK
>>> Diana-Oasis STREET-VIEW.....
>>> Up-to-date Golf Rates by PATTAYA SPORTS CLUB
>>> Flight Search, Best Deals ......... MOMONDO & KAYAK
>>> Still the best Audio-Enhancer for your laptop. Even the free version. Check it out. DFX
>>> Wanna see & learn a bit more about China-Social-Credit-System.........Oooppppppssssss.....
>>> 33 years on......Still going strong.....Look at all these happy people with Simply Red & WIKI
>>> Must See !!! Switzerland teams up with " Brexit"............Thanks Colin :-) Direct Link for download...
>>> Just like in most countries, hospitals want cost covered or guaranteed before they start
treatment, be aware of this and plan accordingly, or end up in a public hospital. They are
actually not bad at all, as they deal with major emergencies and trauma day in and out, but
not everybody likes to recover in a room shared by dozens and nonstop "action".
Don't self treat and be aware of antibiotics resistance.
>>> Please leave your international and/or TH phone number with Meow, as well as a copy of
your Travel or Heath Insurance emergency contacts. It might help in case of accident etc.
We are always ready to help.
>>> Best Friday-Night Seafood-Buffet @ The HILTON / Edge Restaurant !!!!!!
>>> Oasis best value, location, gardens for you snow-birds.....
>>> Thank you all for the lovely chocolate, pralines, cookies. Christmas :-)
>>> HOOTERS-PATTAYA 7-days deals. Hooters has become a busy place
and is a great place to meet right on the beach!
>>> Free Table-Tennis / Ping-Pong @ "Supwersports-Store" in Central. Great aircon setup!
>>> Monster Fish in Pattaya
>>> Einen schönen Flug nach Hause an den Rheinfall wünschen wir Dir Ralf.
>>> Wide choice of studios & condos - Reserve early! We are in prime location & great value!
>>> FREE & SAFE PARKING FOR OUR GUESTS. Outsiders or illegal parking not tolerated. Gate-Security.
>>> Great Travel Blog / Channel.....THEPLANETD
>>> BUZZ-FEED, 18 Mio. subscribers can't be wrong :-) Mixed, light contents.
>>> We don't ask for booking deposits and there are no penalties, if you have to cancel .
>>> 6.12. - 9.12. 2018 JET-SKI World-cup @ Jomtien Beach - A major event with lots to witness and see.
>>> Full house & party-time for the snow-birds! But also the time of problems and occurrences which often
make us scratch our heads.....
>>> We are approaching the end of the year with some rather weird weather all November.
November 2018 / Free BBQ on 30.11.2018
>>> This weekend BBQ & Pattaya Boat Show @ Ocean Marina
>>> Now this could have taken place in Pattaya with a different species of animal.......555555......
>>> BRAVOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ................ TESCO-LOTUS! Get rid of that plastic....A good first step in
TH, finally..............
>>> Danke Heiri & Ralf und vielen anderen für den feinen Käse & Laeckerli.....
>>> Make your bookings early for season & also low-season if you are having a preference for
a specific studio or condo. Super-Premiums are unbeatable!
>>> Why not venture out on the water for a change..... SIAM-DRAGON
>>> Hardly any units ever fr sale in D.E. We have a couple studios in TH name only, not redone,
contact Meow by Email if you are looking for something.
>>> A destination...... HOOTERS
>>> HAPPY LOY-KRATHONG >>> Best views from
>>> Heads-up......BOOK now!!!! KRAFTWERK IN JAPAN, combine with Jaspan Tour....Once in a lifetime.
>>> For our Music-Fans!!!! Listen to these guys......and look at the setup in the ice.....KALEO
>>> Couple of days to Loy Krathong
>>> Now, this is another type of NETFLIX recommendation. A must see for anybody above 60 yrs.
2 great actors at their best. The Kominsky Method | Netflix Official Site
>>> Early check-in / late check-out !!!!! If your studio is ready for you or not rented the day of
check-out, we off course will be happy to get you to your room early or let you check-out a few
hours late. If you want either guaranteed, just book an extra day, like in every hotel :-)
You can always leave your bags with us, have a breakfast on us go to the pool etc. etc.
We try to e you happy, but sometimes due to booking situation, it is just not possible.
>>> Danke Otto, die BS Leckerli waren ein Lebensretter im Spital.......:-)
>>> Loy Krathong Festival 22.11.2018
>>> Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show 2018 Luxury Lifestyle Show – 29 November-2 December 2018
>>> One of the first really amazing skyscrapers in BKK. Just opened.....Worth a visit and don't miss
the skywalks and bars & the breathtaking views!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAHANAKHON & HERE
>>> mikebairdcartoonist >>> Always up to date maps and guides....Quite a job keeping track
of the ever-changing landscape in Pattaya.
>>> Miles...Points...Upgrades...Info.....UPGRADEDPOINTS
>>> Danke Heinz fuer den zarten Schwarzwaelderspeck. Super fein!
>>> Thank you Pesche for the great Rahmtilsiter.......
>>> Thank you Lars & thank you Tony USA for the toys for our underprivileged kids. Great!!!!
>>> Hat Sai Kaew or NAVY-BEACH, probably best choice for a day on the beach!!!
>>> HUAHIN ferry operating again.....Positive feedback from guests & friends....
>>> This guy is sensational.......... GABRIEL IGLESIAS And his trip to Saudi Arabia
>>> We see this over and over handled badly......
.....Aircon use.......Keep temperature on 25 - 27 C, this is the Dr. recommended
setting and keeps air dry and 5-8 C below outside. Aircon's run automatically and will cycle, they
need to cycle in order not to freeze up and get damaged. Setting it on 222, 20, 18 is WRONG and
will not change the temperature of the air blowing, but it will cause icing up, non-functioning, damages
and condensation in room. Please ask us, if you have no aircon-experience.
Set it on COOL, Auto or LOW Fan (then it will be more quiet and dry the air even better) and not less than
24 C !!!!!!
It is as important to keep air dry, not only cold....... THANK YOU>
>>> Inquire by email for your stay and schedule, please.....
>>> E-Cigarettes soon to be Vape away :-)
>>> Luxury Super Mall on the river in BKK.....ICONSIAM
>>> No cat & pigeon feeding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>> If you want security or Estate operator to call you in case of visitors, please register your mobile
phone & room number at the 24/7 operator office in E-Building
>>> Great seafood-buffet at the Hilton at the "Bay at the Edge" every Friday. Dress appropriate.
>>> TH will teach you patience...Things are different from back home and WE can't change it. You expect
***** star services & perfection? Book ***** hotels and pay 5 x +....... international rates :-)
>>> Island-trip nearby......Only Samet really close and worth a couple nights. Easy to reach, easy to
find room or bungalow. Avoid weekends and absolutely avoid public holidays!!!!
>>> Thank you to the many guests & friends, who brought us cheese, Landjaeger, Chocolate, Laeckerli and
other goodies. Very nice and generous, but don't spend too much, please......THANK YOU ALL!!
>>> Full-day Rain-Forest-Zip-Line-Adventure.....Still plenty of time for the bars the same evening...
>>> Diana-Estate has fully digital cable TV. Where can you find 150 quality channels incl.
many movie channels, sports-channels etc.
Basic technical understanding needed. Sorry, it sometimes ain't as simple as in your home....:-(
Super-Premiums & several others with Digital smart TV's NETFLIX, YouTube etc. etc. Don't play around
with network or other settings, or you won't be able to use it until we have time to fix it for you.
Studios with cable-set-top-box need to be on proper HDMI source. You control channels and Volume
remote for set-top-box. Yes, the box needs to be ON/GREEN or it won't work and you have to point
the remote to the box, not the TV or the ceiling :-(................
If you experiment with safety box, please test and fool around while open, don't lock it until you are
sure of the code u set.
You can bring your own Memory-Stick loaded with your favorite vacation movies. Just plug in....
"I refuse to be impressed with technology until I can download a beer"
>>> You need your national & international DL for bikes & cars, if you plan to rent during your vacation.
Make sure to be well insured!!! We have reasons to mention this every year!!!
>>> Book early with Oasis.......
>>> Loy Krathong 2018 celebrations will be on the evening of Thursday, November 22nd.
>>> Visitors are welcome in Oasis, but you are responsible for them and they have to sign in at
the gate, unless they stay longer-term.
Be nice with the security people. They are low-end-salary workers with long working hours and
they appreciate an ice-coffee from 7/11 or some fruit from a street vendor. make somebody happy
today. :-) It will make u happy.
>>> No sun-lounge reservations, please. be fair. We ain't on Mallorca :-)
>>> Please absolutely NO FEEDING OF CATS OR PIGEONS......Let them catch their own food.....
>>> Rarely units in foreign name available in D.E. If something comes on the market a quick decision
is needed or it is gone. Meow & Kh. Rosarin are best informed and will discuss with u.
>>> Wanna open a TH bank account. You will need your passport and a residence certificate from
immigration. Reports about success vary. Try Central Festival and the various branches or BKK B.
on Soi Bouakao.
>>> Most ATM's now have a higher limit of 30'000.-- per time. You set your personal daily limit
with your bank. Watch out for card skimmers, also there were very few reports lately.
>>> As we are mostly "Old-timers, sounds better than senior-citizens...." and surely remember the great
Eric Clapton.....1 hour of rhythms and even in DOLBY / Unplugged...
And because music is such a great another one.....
>>> Coming soon.....Pattaya-Boat-Show.......Turn it up.....
>>> Incredible musicians....
>>> WORLDPOVERTYCLOCK.......Actually positive.......Great!!! Contradicts the "Stammtisch-Talk"
>>> Get well Lori....
OCTOBER 2018 / FREE BBQ on 26. 10. 2018
>>> Got balls???? Wanna jump??? SKYDIVEPATTAYA
>>> Payments & room showings & bookings kindly afternoons with Meow, mornings are very busy.... THX.
>>> PLEASE.......................We all love animals, but DO NOT!!!! feed cats or pigeons..........
>>> No outsiders are allowed on out pools, thank you.
>>> ENDURO ...........................................................................
>>> We discontinue our DVD-Thek. Hardly being used anymore with most guests being more than happy with
the 150 digital TV channels and many bringing their own movie collections on a memory stick or their
laptops. WE keep the players in the rooms for now, to connect easily via USB and/or if you happen to
bring your own DVD's or buy some here.....Obviously you can also stream from your laptop, even YouTube
offers such great coentent now....
>>> INFO after the fact.....3 days ago at 16.30 the Estate & surrounding areas suffered some major lightening
strikes, the main one going of like a major bomb. Major damages to internet infrastructure of all
providers along Soi Boukao and many, many TV's, laptops, computers, routers, switches etc. lietrally
burned up. Oasis has a top of the line Wifi system with all gear protected and still we had sveral
components damaged. A very rare occasion, indeed. We organized the same night delivery of spare-parts
from BKK, it usually takes days and our system (less 2 AP's, which were special delivery from Malaysia,
was fully up and running by 13.00 the next day. another 24 hours later, also the last 2 AP's (E/D) back
up and system better than ever. Just to say, my private fiber line went down last night at 22.30 and I
expect it will take at least 2 or 3 days until the provider will get to it.
Read this and look at this. We hope, this is a one-off, none of us ever experienced such a powerful
strike, with people running to the windows to see what had happened.
BTW, everybody fully understood why we were offline that night, anyway, it does not help to get pushy,
we are certainly on the case, even if it takes nonstop 24 hours efforts........
And never forget...This ain't the perfect first world.....And things are often
unpredictable....That is probably why you vacation here......And no whinging will change it....There is
plenty of folks living here, that feel they need to make things perfect here.....:-) :-)
>>> Below just in from a US-friend......Hurry up to have your 800K in the account min. 3 months if you
plan to extend your retirement-stay soon.......Check details as the situation is fluent, just like the GB
situation.....Let's hope there will be other solutions for those citizens coming....
>>> Christone Kingfish, A 19 yr. old superstar!!!!!! Listen to the guy on YT...There is much more of him...
>>> Here 1 for our music-freaks.......Some of the best blues & Reggae around.....Check out the Soundtrack
of the TV-Series LUKE CAGE.....Both seasons....Even better watching it on Netflix on 5.1 turned up!
>>> 1 for our fishing buddies ++.......Here the full collection....Incredible this girl. Quiet and determined.
>>> Thank you Tim, Ronny, David and all the dedicated workers & Team of Kh. Tub for a great
job and support!
>>> Danke Anton fuer die feinen FEMINA Pralinen. Wow, we will make them last....Good stuff.....
>>> Please always inquire by email, we will usually answer within 24 hours, sometimes it takes
a bit longer....:-)
>>> Thank you, we have been living here 20+ years and have long ago realized that we will not want
neither can make TH a totally organized & controlled "1st. world place" like some of the somewhat
naive visitors expect & demand. It is what it is....
>>> Ferry to Huahin re-starting begin of November!
>>> Traffic aggressive & dangerous. Don't rent a bike if you have no experience. Make sure you are
fully insured!!!
>>> E-cigarettes etc. still illegal and high fines! Don't bring them into the country.
>>> Coming soon.....TERMINAL 21 !!!!
>>> Best and cheapest internet Sim with AIS. Get it at any mall, bring your Passport for registration.
4 or 6 mps down is plenty fast & very stable allover TH. Cost negligible.
>>> Yes, you can STILL extend your 30 days on arrival easily at the local IO. You can also STILL get
and extra 30 days extension on your 60 Days TV.
>>> Danke Otto fuer die feinen Laeckerli und sorry, wenn M. mal was vergisst. Mit seinem 18 Std.
Tages-Plan und Chemoth. etc. etc. ist es unmoeglich alles zu erledigen und an alles zu denken.
>>> Dr. Chanya, our trusted dentist. Meow will get you a suitable appointment. Painless and fair!
>>> Travel & Health Insurance a must!!! There is no free healthcare in TH. A heart-attack and a quick
by-pass surgery can cost you anywhere from 0.5 - 2.0 Mio Baht. Any health issues, don't self-medicate.
Ask M. & M. for qualified Dr. or hospital recommendation.
>>> Every last Friday in the month FREE BBQ at Oasis for all guests and friends. Welcome.
>>> I keep repeating this. One of the best and most unique restaurants for people who like something
different. The owner is a "French Original" .....Check location, as not easy to find.....Make a reservation.
Only good feedback from all our guests..... AU-BON-COIN-PATTAYA
>>> HOOTERS - TH & Pattaya! Great time, great people watching, famous menu great music and look at their
site for some eye-candy, then go back to the Bouakao-Beauties :-(
Not for "cheap-charlies" & USA-dislikers..... Prime location and international standards.....
>>> Don't feed cats and pigeons. Thank you.
>>> TERMINAL 21 officially open from Friday 19.2018 @ 11.00 am!!! Enjoy!
>>> Be aware that many of the top-studios are booked, sometimes years in advance.
>>> News should be picking up now, with season starting.
>>> Dankeschoen OTTO-CH fuer die feinen Basler Laeckerli. Sehr lieb.
>>> Thank you Heiri for the photos.
>>> Thank you so much Mike/Explosives-Expert & US Marine for your friendship, you are a great guy!
Enjoy Guam and be back soon.
>>> There is always some people who come to a foreign country with totally different culture, who feel
they have to advise how to change in this case TH to match there own country. # 1, it is never ever
gonna happen, # 2, why are you spending your vacation in TH then? O yes, trust us, after 25 years
in TH we are aware of all Pros/Cons and problems. You might wanna join the letter-writers to the local
publications in E or D, if you have the urge to make your opinion heard :-) It is an endless repetition
of same..same.......
BTW, you can have the perfect, sterile vacation experience in any of the 5***** resorts around the islands.
Perfection has it's price and don't step out of the resort, if you can't handle the real TH.
>>> It has been a very quiet rainy season with changing demographics. Lots of new venues have opened or
are ready to open in the Bouakao entertainment area. Diana-Estate is a real tropical Oasis in prime
location and within walking-distance of just about all you might need during your vacation.
The new TERMINAL 21 is about to open and will be a real experience for most, just a short Baht-bus ride
>>> We advise people not to rent bikes, it is just becoming too dangerous with very aggressive traffic that
scares even experienced drivers. One of the reasons the write has sold his beloved Honda Transalp & Africa
Twin and rides a small Nuovo now,
>>> High season approaching fast....Pretty much fully booked for quite a while......Write us anyway and
we see if their are partial openings or we keep you on waiting list. Oasis with international mix & NO
group tours etc. etc. :-)
>>> Alain V., we wish you all the best fighting this ugly disease! We know exactly what it means, M. been on
this for 4 years now....Still going strong...The same best wishes to all the other sufferers....
Makes us appreciate life and smile about the trivialities some people bring up and complain about......
>>> Vielen Dank Markus fuer die Super-Lautsprecher, Kaese, Schoki und Fondue ....Sensationell....
>>> Reliable & fast INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING, incl. estimated taxes & customs fees, no hassle delivery from
other countries. Often small refunds after a few weeks into your card-account after customs passed.
>>> TH weather-radar loop.......& more by TMD
>>> Flightradar 24
>>> Yes, at this time you can still extend a 30-day arrival stamp or a 2 month tourist-visa for another 30 days.
>>> Google ITA Matrix – The Ultimate Guide To Using This Tool [2018]
>>> Still, be very careful renting jet-skies...Google the subject.....
>>> Smoking restricted to balconies and designated smoking areas. Thank you.
>>> Don't forget your travel insurance with good coverage.
>>> Opening a bank account in TH? No longer as simple as it used to be be. We can inform you.
Yes, a TH ATM card will also work abroad.
>>> Don't feed cats and pigeons. Thank you.
>>> Need a prof. fair contractor for remodel? Inquire with Meow/Michael to introduce you to the nicest
and best team, which has been doing plenty of jobs for us, the Estate & many friends. Lovely hard working
and respectful people. A pleasure to work with. An exception......
>>> Regards from Michael & thank you for the Laeckerli (best from Migros) & Chocolate. He shares
with his work-team & nurses & doctors.
>>> Don't drink & drive.....The times when this was a "gentlemen's delict " in TH are over. Massive
fines and often a few days or more in jail. No need for this.
>>> Bring your international driving permit and your national license, if you plan on renting a car or bike.
>>> Oasis monthly rentals are best value for top-studios. Easy walks to entertainment, shopping, beach.
>>> Time just flies...Season nearing....D.E. has upgraded gardens massively this off-season and
redone all ceilings, all corridors and much more. Outstanding location and tropical Oasis.
>>> Our popular FREE BBQ on Friday 28.9.2018
>>> Huahin / Pattaya Ferry suspend due to rough seas. Possibly for full month of October.
Check their website for accurate info & dates.
>>> Recent 2018 Drone-Flight Pattaya Beach
>>> GRAB is the way to get around cheap and reliable locally & close to town. Out of town best book
with Meow. Then Grab is too expensive.
>>> Oasis is the ideal place for golfers & nightlife....
>>> Book your studios early, we are booked early for the season and you might not be
able to get your preferred condo.
>>> TH to double airport capacity - Pattaya/Utapao playing a major part. Interesting read...
And this article or some further research show, that the common bar-talk about Chinese
being low-class-no spenders, are completely wrong......Oasis & D.E. will stay an individual
and multi-national oasis with great gardens in best central location :-)
>>> A rather dry rainy-season so far. Mostly like that in Pattaya. Might rain just out of town,
but Pattaya-Bay area stays dry!
Be aware that many factors contribute to WiFi.
You need only about 2 - 4 Mbps steady down to
stream reliably.....We assign MUCH!!! more
to every guest. Our NETFLIX runs smoother
than my private one ast home...
Enjoy your stay and have a nice vacation....
>>> YouTube Fan? Annoyed by pop-up adds....Use CHROME browser and add this little extension...
>>> Diana-Estate, hardly any units for sale....One of the few green areas in Central Pattaya....
>>> Every last Friday in the month Oasis' FREE BBQ for guests & Friends....A tradition....10 years +....
>>> A reminder for our & ....certainly one of the
better looking fisherman around :-) .....And a real expert and nice couple.......
>>> Low-season in Pattaya....Many of our regulars visiting and enjoying the less crowded bars & venues.
>>> Book early for season or we might be full...Low season deals keep us busy year round...
>>> Bouakao is now really becoming the center of the Pattaya entertainment. We leave the other
areas to the busloads of package tourists and enjoy the popular D.E. with great mix.....
>>> Even for atheists......This is a great song....Turn it up.........
>>> Probably still one of the 5 best PIZZAS in town. Really large, too. You might bring some slices home...
>>> You can keep part of your stuff here in storage until you come back. Only proper suitcases or bags.
Absolutely NO PLASTIC & Please no valuables.
>>> All of Oasis & Meow's studios have all new water-pipes etc. etc. None of the very common issues with
water-flow/pressure & hot water here in TH. Off course, we will always keep some of our lower-budget
studios, which are also fully equipped......But our Premiums and Super-Premiums are just great!
>>> Our pool open 8.00 and close 20.00, resp. 22.00 for pool # 2.
>>> Bring your UBS Stick filled with your personal movies & TV-Shows...Or just book one of our high-
standard studios / condos with SMart TV's & HD NETFLIX!
>>> Tolerance is a necessity in TH, as in most countries with non-Western cultures. Stop dreaming. Moaning,
whinging & complaining, as well as any other methods to make TH into Germany, Switzerland or
Australia, will not work....An endless subject on forums and on bar-stools.... YAAAAAAAWN...........
There is always the first world option......
>>> Why not splurge once in a while.......Here the weekly buffet line-up for the HILTON....Our favorite is the
sea-food buffet on Friday.....
>>> Flyboard Pattaya, for the adventurous ones....
>>> Vielen herzlichen Dank fuer die suesse Ueberraschung und die lieben Worte. Wir hoffen, dass es Dir
recht gut geht auf dem Polofeld.....Bis bald wieder in Pattaya.....M.
>>> DO YOUR PART!!! The best place to BTW....."A Plastic Ocean", the movie on
NETFLIX in our Super-Premiums & T-310 & 608....Watch the trailer...Shocking............
>>> LA BAGUETTE.... Probably the best coffee-shop confiserie in Pattaya. Bring enough cash, well worth it.
18 cities with non-stop flights From Pattaya (UTP):
Chiang Mai 1h 20m Thai AirAsia, Thai Lion Mentari
Phuket City 1h 20m Thai AirAsia, Bangkok Airways
Changsha, China 3h 25m Nok Air, Thai Lion Mentari
Nanchang, China 3h 25m Nok Air, Thai AirAsia
Hat Yai 1h 10m Thai AirAsia
Ko Samui 1h 10m Bangkok Airways
Udon Thani 1h 5m Thai AirAsia
Haikou, China 2h 15m Nok Air, Hainan
Kunming, China 3h 30m Kunming Airlines
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2h 0m AirAsia
Macau 2h 35m Thai AirAsia
Doha, Qatar 7h 35m Qatar Airways
Nanning, China 2h 15m Thai AirAsia
Sanya, China 2h 0m Hainan
Shenzhen, China 3h 0m Donghai Airlines
Wanzhou District, China 3h 40m Donghai Airlines
Yuncheng, China 4h 0m Shenzhen
Taiyuan, China 4h 20m Nok Air
Monthly popular FREE!!! BBQ for all our guests & friends / Friday 31th August : 16.30 - 19.00
>>> Oasis WiFi with 25-mb assigned to very account....5 x waht you need for HD-streaming. Individual
speeds might vary based on hardware and interantional connections. 3 provider back-up Pro system
>>> CAT WATCHING HORROR-MOVIE......Watch her eyes/pupils....
>>> Wie geht es unsren Freunden aus Wien? Bald sehen wir uns wieder. Bitte nicht zuviel mitschleppen,
obwohl wir immer dankbare arme Kinder / Communities haben. Ganz L.G.
>>> Always be careful using any kind of boat here in TH. Know how to react in case of emergencies!!!
>>> Danke an Unbekannt fuer den tollen Schwarzwaelder-Speck. Super!!! Aber es tut es auch der vom Aldi.
Wir sind ja keine Gourmets und schon der Aldi-Speck schmeckt phantastisch!
>>> BEBINCA, nope.... not a drink nor a Russian fairy-tale.....But a serious storm-warning....Possibly coming
soon to a theater near you....Pretty dry so far this year.............Pattaya Micro-Climate...
>>> Sunday CHEESE & COLD-CUTS buffet at L'Auberge.....Pratumnak! Google.....My friends seem to like it!
>>> Probably best Map/Pattaya.......
>>> Pool # 1 open 8-8 / Pool # 2 open 8-10
>>> TERMINAL 21.....Coming soon......
>>> DO NOT drop even a cigarette butt.....2000.-- fines now enforced..... No vaping out in public
neither! That could cost you much more!
>>> Great Pizza......Pizza Big Naklua or Fire & Stone, bottom Pattaya-Klang opp. old TOPS!
>>> Lounge-Buddy as an app or www.
>>> Slightly naive (young) DIVERT-LIVING YT channel, but some good travel insights.
This one new for me......Some good BKK drone-views and an interesting story about an
abandoned high-rise.....
>>> Bored......Check out some of the videos on *Mind-Warehouse*
>>> SAM-CHUI / Flying in style!
>>> Fondue & Raclette beim PESCHE im Bistrot, Soi Yamato. Natuerlich.
>>> Pesche, vielen Dank fuer den feinen Italo-Salami! Super!!!!!!!!!!!
>>> Chris, thank you so much for the great chocolate! The boys loved the Orange-one!
>>> Pattaya's demographics are changing fast. Diana-Estate will always be a great mix of people
from allover the world.
>>> Have your pick! A must in BKK! bangkok-top10-rooftop-bars
>>> Einer der schoensten Staedte der Welt! One of the nicest town worldwide! No doubt! **LUZERN**
>>> Vielen Dank Rene fuer die 2 Saecke Migros Balser Laeckerli. Vielen Dank auch von den
Kranken chwestern, die einen Teil davon gekriegt haben und die Laeckerli lieben!
>>> Tourism in TH / Pattaya changing fast......We are happy to have a long-standing mixed
clientele and don't have to go for the new kind of tourism, which floods the & blocks the roads.....:-)
>>> One of the better DRONE-FLIGHTS-PATTAYA !
>>> Channel-News-Asia / BKK Sinking / Interesting Article!
>>> FLIGHT TRACKERS! have your pick. We all have our own preferences.
>>> Beach-Dreams.....Not many left in TH.
>>> Anybody needs a great contractor & team for remodels, ask M. & M. They can get you in touch
with the team we use. Great, hardworking and honest Thai people.
>>> AND CASEY hits 10 Mio subscribers......GREAT guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>> Entertaining......*THE CHEAP CHARLIE CHRONICLES*
>>> Live the dream............ SV DELOS...........It starts in the present, so scroll down for first episodes....
>>> And here a map of all or pretty much all PATTAYA-MARKETS.....
JULY 2018
>>> Look guys , TIT, most of us know....Murphy's Law applies....BUT, the difference is we will do our best to
fix it.....Just let us know......:-) And don't expect TH to be at German or Australian standards.....It is
not gonna happen......No point to get into details...Just a heads-up for newcomers...
>>> **LA MANTE** Netflix Original Mini-Series. EXCELLENT!!!! Give it a try! Shows how good the French are
in movie making....
>>> Friday 3.8. our July - **FREE BBQ FOR ALL GUESTS AND FRIENDS!! WELCOME!** Due to BUDDHA DAY!!!!
>>> Great Health Insurance for Swiss: Perfekter & persoenlicher Service & Support.
Get your international coverage while resident in Switzerland. Tell them you saw it in Oasis-News!
You can contact directly for all info: [email protected]
>>> Thank you Mike "The Explosives-Man" for the beautiful salami and cheese. Wow, really enjoyed this.
What a nice guy you are. Always thinking of others....Not enough of your kind around....THX!!!!
>>> Thank you to all the well-wishers from M. 3 yrs. + into the fight, like so many others. A bit of
extra efforts keeps us all going :-) Some days better, some worse. Treatment does affect most of us
physically and mentally, be patient with us. Life is never gonna be the same....And it can be around the
corner for anybody!
Wishing guests, friends and all out there with similar problems. Be strong and do not give up easily!
YOU can do it!
>>> Finally a good Online Music Station with great all-day mix and no need to change anymore!!!! Try it!
>>> Wanna do a high-class side-trip.........BKK - Male / Maldives.....Check out the packages.....Allow 1 day
at each end for peaceful travel and figure 3 days on the island......Or even more adventurous, just book
flights and a dive/cruise live-aboard for a few nights......One in a lifetime and affordable, too....Life is
too short to waste.....Great diving, fishing, views and food! From simple to luxury.
Get your international coverage while resident in Switzerland. Tell them you saw it in Oasis-News!
You can contact directly for all info: [email protected]
>>> Thank you Mike "The Explosives-Man" for the beautiful salami and cheese. Wow, really enjoyed this.
What a nice guy you are. Always thinking of others....Not enough of your kind around....THX!!!!
>>> Thank you to all the well-wishers from M. 3 yrs. + into the fight, like so many others. A bit of
extra efforts keeps us all going :-) Some days better, some worse. Treatment does affect most of us
physically and mentally, be patient with us. Life is never gonna be the same....And it can be around the
corner for anybody!
Wishing guests, friends and all out there with similar problems. Be strong and do not give up easily!
YOU can do it!
>>> Finally a good Online Music Station with great all-day mix and no need to change anymore!!!! Try it!
>>> Wanna do a high-class side-trip.........BKK - Male / Maldives.....Check out the packages.....Allow 1 day
at each end for peaceful travel and figure 3 days on the island......Or even more adventurous, just book
flights and a dive/cruise live-aboard for a few nights......One in a lifetime and affordable, too....Life is
too short to waste.....Great diving, fishing, views and food! From simple to luxury.
>>> Huahin Ferry....Combine it with a great day or 2 of catching monster-fish!!! Check it on GOOGLE
Here & Here
>>> JET-SURF-PATTAYA......Have fun.....
Here & Here
>>> JET-SURF-PATTAYA......Have fun.....
>>> And here 1 for our fun-loving BKK trippers......Great feedback about these very affordable and
and classy pool parties in top-hotels. There are also model-shows..... PARTY - TIME .......
>>> A side-trip away from town and just 2 hours away......Read up on this and load up your g.f.'s...
Food and Bungalows available. Google for more details..... Kao-Chamao / Khao Wong National Park
>>> Excellent app for Google Photos & Docs / Sync....Check it out.........
>>> Just in case you missed that one.......Run it on your YouTube/5.1 and turn it up.... Amazing Courtney!
>>> Hi Tom, we hope you had a great trip back to FL! Enjoy the summer there.......Wish we were there...
>>> Let us know if you are ill and need help. We have been around and are happy to help. Don't
self-medicate. The internet does not make Dr.s of us........Don't listen to the private hospital
bashers....Good health-care costs money....Pretty much allover the world.....So, make sure
you have travel insurance or international cover.
>>> Watch out while getting your massage....Too much force might do more damage than good. Tell
the girl, if she needs to take it more easy. At our age, there are issues which certainly a simple
massage girl can not be aware of.
>>> Low season and probably beautiful summers in Europe.....Plenty of regulars still prefer low
season and the attention they are getting :-)
>>> Bowling & Movies / SF / CENTRAL MALL....All info.................A great night out with the girls.....
>>> TERMINAL 21 will bring tons of new restaurants & well known franchises into town.....Unfortunatley also
even more traffic.....At that end of town.....
>>> Thank you all for the wonderful chocolate and other delicacies....
>>> Vielen Dank fuer den feinen Schwarzwaelder Speck Det/Chris......
>>> Feel like a real Swiss-Fondue or Raclette. Go see Pesche at the BISTRO!
>>> Watch all 5 of these.....Amazing and heartwarming........ 5 Gold-Buzzers
>>> 100 Best Things to do in Thailand - Some interesting ideas by "Jen Reviews"
>>> Bring your Home & International DL. Lots of check-points!
>>> Don't drink & drive. Bring your Original Home Country & Int. DL with you! Leave a copy of your
travel insurance with all contacts with Meow for any emergencies. This helps us to help you!
>>> Diana-Estate. The best place for your 1 month+ rentals, holidays, retirement! Nothing compares and
monthly rentals are very affordable and give you a home away from home! We can help with most of
your problems. Need a Dr.? Dentist? Visa-Renewal? Insurance-Broker, Computer-Shop, Special Event-
Restaurant? Take your g.f with u back home? :-(……… Ask us!
>>> Buying electronics? Only in official dealerships and well known branded shops and never on the street!
>>> Excellent supermarket TOPS-Gourmet basement of CENTRAL MALL, opens 10 am.
>>> A late night snack near Walking Street and right on the sea. Pattaya-Beer-Garden, just before you enter
Walking-Street! Don't let the bars in front of it scare you off :-)
>>> There is a new place in town, actually on The HILL, gourmets talk about; this is one for our guests &
friends who want to try something special for a special occasion: comfortbyharlan
JUNE 2018
>>> Regards to our "SWISS-POLO-TEAM.......Einen wunderschoenen Sommer wuenschen wir Euch allen!
>>> Coming soon..................NEXT BIG FREE BBQ! FRIDAY 29.6.2018
>>> CASEY NEISTAT. Definitely 1 of my favorite bloggers. What a great guy. No wonder every knows and
likes him. This guy does not miss out on life for sure. WIKI-INFO
>>> JON OLSON. Here another very likable and hyperactive blogger. Give him a chance and don't write him
off after a first blog. Be thrilled about his life-style & success.
Maybe it's one of us in our next live.....5555555 WIKI-INFO
likes him. This guy does not miss out on life for sure. WIKI-INFO
>>> JON OLSON. Here another very likable and hyperactive blogger. Give him a chance and don't write him
off after a first blog. Be thrilled about his life-style & success.
Maybe it's one of us in our next live.....5555555 WIKI-INFO
>>> Diana-Estate, the best location to spend your winters and summers, or just move in permanently.
Best location and XL gardens. Nice international mix. No need for transport. EVERYTHING in walking
>>> Now, this is an exclusive & one-of-kind side-trip from Pattaya. Fly to Krabi or Phuket / nice
trip in gorgeous landscape down the coast in a rental car!!!
We have several guest that have done this a few times! Everybody loved it. Combine with
a couple beach-days in Krabi or a stopover on Koh Lanta....... GILLHAMS FISHING RESORT
>>> Racing-Calendar
>>> BURIRAM: Chang International Circuit in Buriram wird am 30. Juni und 1. Juli das
Chang-Super-GT-Tourenwagen-Rennen. Have fun! FB
>>> Many good wishes from friends & guests for M. Thank you so much. Sorry, if not all letters
and mails are answered. THANK YOU ALL & DON'T FORGET: C is "everywhere" and why not make
a sufferer near you a bit of a surprise with a nice book, a great piece of cake or just a smile.....
You might even find a cancer clinic for kids and organize a visit with some sweets or small toys for
all the kids! There are some real little heroes out there!!!!!! It will make their day and your's too!!!
I promise!
This reminds me of Vicky & Martin from Vienna. Lovely, uncomplicated couple and always thinking of
and remembering the less privileged. Liebe Gruesse nach Wien von uns allen!
&........Get regular check-ups....It might just make the difference of life or death!
>>> Friday 29.6.2018 FREE BBQ for all our guests & friends. Welcome!!
>>> You need special medication during your stay. Go to: FASCINO on North Pattaya Rd. with huge
choice and prof. pharmacists.
>>> ASIA'S 50 best restaurants.....Yes, also some in BKK.....Enjoy.....
>>> We have guests doing eye (refractive) surgeries, as they are less expensive than in their home
country. We issue a strong recommendation for RUTNIN EYE HOSPITAL.
>>> Anybody wants to watch the movie classic PAPILLON? Ask Meow...She has it on stick....Enjoy...
>>> Soccer World-cup on TV! We have 150 digital channels.................
>>> SIAMSECURE Check this out.....Might come in handy for some of you. Has good reputation and
is one of the few leaders here......
>>> Quiet days, but many regulars enjoy a couple of months here during the summer. Now option of
convenient side-trips to China from Utapao.
>>> In my active days, we always enjoyed a round of fun-bowling with friends and Pizza before or
after..........Great choices these days.....SEE HERE
>>> Pattaya with it's micro-climate gets much less rain then even close-by communnities....
>>> Reminder...…………..**INTERNATIONAL FIREWORKS.**.....This weekend......See below...……..
>>> Rainy season a bit late this year, with the South-West Monsoon now reigning in for a few weeks....
Mit Bedauern haben wir gerade vernommen, dass Ruedi Baehler / Der Schriftsteller gestern am
6.6.2018 friedlich in der CH entschlafen ist. Unser Mitgefuehl an seine Familie & Freunde.
Mit Bedauern haben wir gerade vernommen, dass Ruedi Baehler / Der Schriftsteller gestern am
6.6.2018 friedlich in der CH entschlafen ist. Unser Mitgefuehl an seine Familie & Freunde.
>>> THAI-ELEPHANTS...…..Wonderful animals...………But not to be chained and used as tourist
>>> Maya-Beach / Phuket closed to be cleaned up and be revived! The same for the once-dream-island
Boracay in the PP. Amazing how we manage to destroy the most beautiful spots on earth. Actually it
is probably less-us, but more certain nations with no respect for the enviroemnt, combined with greed
of operators, lack of education of travelers.....At least...A small step in the right direction! Bravo.
Talking about beautiful, google: "Riviera Maya, Drone, 4K"
>>> One of the highlights of the year. The International Fireworks. Usually on day # 2 a major display by
several nations. Starts normally around 19.00 - 20.00
Hilton rest. & bar terraces offer prime views. Also several beach front locations in Central Mall, ever tried
the large sea view balcony of Kentucky Fried?? Or in one of the coffee shops along the beach or up the
stairs at the Mike-Shopping. Enjoy@!!!
>>> TH has overall very good medical care with instant access to almost any kind of treatment. This is
valid for private hospitals. They cost good money, just like in most every country and place in this world.
Be well insured when you travel !!!!!!!!! we are happy to copy your health cover in your file and have it
handy in case of need.
Amazing & hungry visitor last week! Professional landing on the table and straight Niggel's salad. Word about the good food @ Oasis really has reached the Amazone....55555
The beautiful bird would not leave anymore and entertained everybody. Meow found it a new home to stay and the bird and new caretaker Kh. Pen are both very happy.
Already starts to talk. We will have some new pictures soon!
>>> TH-Airways showing world-cup on their flights! Wow.
>>> Great Dual-Band WIFI in all Estate. Many studios and condos even feature their own VDSL or
Fiber-Line, but accounts with 25 mb down are probably unique in Pattaya. Your hardware and
and location can affect speed, but problems are exceedingly rare and most guest watch their
own Android box, if they are not in one of the NETFLIX studios, bring their own stick filled with
movies in their own language or enjoy our 150 Digital channels.
>>> FREE BBQ for all our guests and friends every last Friday in the month.
>>> Good Beef-Filet must not cost 4-600.-- Baht . Consistently voted excellent and great value our
beef-tenderloin. Aged by Western Butcher. Give it a try.
>>> Ask Michael for the best Pizza in town.....Bet you will like it..........
>>> Yes, Samet is no longer a backpackers island, but got rather expensive and overrun....So we let u in on a
tip by Thai friends.......Koh Si Chang
But we still feel 2-3 days on Ao Pai Beach / Samet is a great short getaway!~ Don't ever go on public
>>> Rains.. & gardens grow like ....zy.....Not long ago we were yelled at for cutting down a overgrown
tree......Look at it now....3 months and it is bigger and stronger than before. We use recycled water
for gardens in dry season, another reason for great growth and no waste of precious water.
>>> Welcome to D.E. Alan. You are always welcome! Right move :-)
>>> Hi Kim...How is it going? We hope you have fully recovered and are looking forward to seeing you
back soon.
>>> Rick-in Guam: Where are the picture of you in the blue sea? We envy you.....
>>> We understand that every guest has his preference of mattress, pillow, cover....We offer "medium"
Sealy or Dunlopillo Orthopedic mattresses and quality bed-ware, sorry, we can't go out and buy
your personal mattress. Not kidding.....It happens....:-)
>>> Danke Sir Albert & heiri fuer die nette Empfehlung. Werden wir nicht vergessen. Dinner waiting :-)
Hoffe, es geht Euch allen recht gut. L.G. M.
>>> Do not drive w/o a valid International DL and your home-country's in hand. Police now confiscate
bikes often and it is quite a pain to get the bike back from impound! You can get a TH DL, see here.
This summary is complete, but I wanna add, that I know several people who got a license with a regular
tourist visa. You will need a consulate translation of your original license. So stop by in BKK the first day,
unless your embassy offers to it by mail. First license is valid for 2 years....Extended DL, if done just AFTER
your birthday...they always end on your u another 6 years!! Check with DL office before
you start process. An invalid or NO DL negates most insurance coverage in case of accident and really
puts you in a bad position in any case.
April 2018 / Pinned - It is now 3 months that TH boxed "wines" have gone up massively, due to new taxes. What used to be 5L = 899 Baht is now 3L = 999 Baht!!! We now run out of old stock and will have to adjust our prices, like everybody else, to make up for the 30 Baht/glass extra cost ONLY! The few being shocked about this, are probably the same-ones who still don't realize they are getting 2+ dl in Oasis and max. 1.5 dl in most other places. Or the ones who still cry about having to pay 10 Baht for the Baht bus, that used to be 5 Baht for the last 20 years......Sad or funny, u be the judge.....
Wine has always been expensive in TH and is a preferred subject among residents & tourists. We can not change it, sorry. BTW, a real and reasonable quality bottle of wine starts around 750 Baht for 0.7 dl bottle in the shop......We also often hear and read that beer is much cheaper in GB or the PP and in Cambodia, than in than even in the cheapest beer-bars in TH......Sorry for that......55555
Due to the massive price (tax) increase in cheaper boxed wines in TH, we regret to have to raise our prices in line with the effective increase only, to 140.-- per 2 dl+ glass from Monday May 5th. 2018
Wine has always been expensive in TH and is a preferred subject among residents & tourists. We can not change it, sorry. BTW, a real and reasonable quality bottle of wine starts around 750 Baht for 0.7 dl bottle in the shop......We also often hear and read that beer is much cheaper in GB or the PP and in Cambodia, than in than even in the cheapest beer-bars in TH......Sorry for that......55555
Due to the massive price (tax) increase in cheaper boxed wines in TH, we regret to have to raise our prices in line with the effective increase only, to 140.-- per 2 dl+ glass from Monday May 5th. 2018
MAY 2018
Qatar Airways out of Doha says they’re responding to increased customer demand for services to Thailand by launching direct flights to Pattaya! Te new four-times-a-week service is in addition to the airline’s existing direct flights to Bangkok, Krabi, Phuket and soon to be launched, Chiang Mai. The service to Chiang Mai is scheduled to start this December.
Qatar Airways will operate a Boeing 787 Dreamliner, with 22 seats in Business Class and 232 seats in Economy Class on flights between Doha and U-Tapao Rayong Pattaya International Airport, on its winter schedule.
>>> Soccer World-Cup........I would not even know how to write this, I know ZILCH about soccer oder
"tschutten" (for the Swiss) to the amusement of my friends....
However I know that you can watch all games here in TH on several non-pay channels.....I know that
SOPHON, our best cable provider feeds us with 150 Digital channels. ALL our TV's are digitalized!
Tons of sports and movie-channels.....And thanks to the UDON-NEWS here the full program in local
times, downloadable! We expect quite a fewe soccer fans to spend these days with us, probably
party even more......GREAT!
>>> 2 Pools in D.E. # 1 closes at 20.00 # 2 open til 22.00 :-) Enjoy!
>>> As always, our studios getting better & better. We use low-season to do necessary services & maintenance.
>>> This replaces a prior different recommendation for glasses / optician. We tried this small shop a few
times now.
Excellent, friendly and patient service by the old style Thai owner. Fantastic.... Prices for the type of
glasses we needed very good. This shop comes highly recommended on many forums. Give it a try. It is
withing walking distance from TUKOM. FIRST OPTIC PATTAYA & MAP
>>> Ciao Cowboy, schoene Zeit auf dem Polo-Platz in der CH & bis bald......L.G. & gute Reise...Vielen Dank
fuer die Laeckerli, jeden Tag 2 und in Gedanken bei Dir und den Pferden. Machs' gut und bleib gesund!
>>> May 9th. to May 13th. Heavy rains predicted...But with Pattaya's micro-climate we never know...:-)
>>> A safe trip back home and some nice & dry days in BKK & Phuket to our 3 great guys from Boca-Raton-
We hope to see you back in TH soon. Ciao David, Will & Francis. It is always great to have some open-
minded and friendly Americans with us. And always nice to see 2 sons travelling and taking care of their
Dad the way you do.
>>> Thank you very much Mikhael for the chocolate and perfume. Very generous of you. Meow
>>> Sea-Fishing........Siam-Great-Adventures or Fishing Park......Best rated Park in Pattaya....CASTAWAY
>>> I missed that-one....Stickman's short "come-back"....
Danke Franky-Boy fuer die wunderbaren FEMINA Pralines....Eine Raritaet und ein wahrer Genuss. Jeden Tag bloss 1 Stueck. Musste Meow den Schluessel fuer den Kuehlschrank wegnehmen....:-)
>>> Diana-Estate all Tower corridors being repaired and painted. Pattaya's best maintained 26 year old Estate.
>>> Rainy days, cooler days...but sunshine on/off.
>>> We are just waiting for the rain to pass to throw the sausages on the grill.....:-) Anyway, there is free
food for everybody as usual on the last Friday of the month.
>>> First monsoon-rains.....First floods......